
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Ambrosie Makes Statement on Bridge Hit

Shortly after the Western Semi-Final had concluded, CFL commissioner Randy Ambrosie issued the following statement on the hit delivered by Jackson Jeffcoat to Brandon Bridge

 The high hit on Brandon Bridge late in the Western Semi-Final (play 137) was clearly a missed call. “Watching this occur, and seeing via the ‘ref cam’ that the on-field referee’s view was blocked, my reaction is we need to look this off-season at allowing the Command Centre to make the call on plays such as this one, clear matters of player health and safety,” said Commissioner Randy Ambrosie. “We need to do more than admit an error. We need to search for a solution.”

The following are videos from the CFL ref-cam and the TSN feed


  1. Anonymous11/11/2018

    To whom it may concern;
    CFL/Randy Ambrosie,

    I dread the thought of Zack Collaros playing that game today (Thanks Mr Jones for keeping him out) and taking that dangerous head shot Brandon Bridge took, would Zack be alive? What's it going to take before this amateur bs stops. Someone laying on the field dead? This CFL wants to be taken seriously in professional sports, it better clean up its act fast before it's too late.

    Safety concerned individual.

  2. Anonymous11/11/2018

    If you allow command center review for this you might as well review every play. Officials miss calls in every sport. All you can ask for is consistency. Some times the calls go your way and sometimes they don't.

  3. Anonymous11/11/2018

    Ambrosie, while you're at it you should change the one challenge rule.
    Make it so you have one challenge to lose. If you win, you still have a challenge. Is that too simple for all the rocket scientist that run the CFL?

  4. Anonymous11/12/2018

    Sorry isn't good enough anymore Randy.

  5. Anonymous11/12/2018

    So saying it was a high hit that wasn't flagged you plan on issueing a fine and suspension? Like the last uncalled hit on a sask qb ?
