
Friday, November 23, 2018

Many Areas Discussed in CFL "State Of the League" Address

CFL Commissioner Randy Ambrosie was questioned on many things Friday morning as he met with the media to give the commissioner's annual "State of the League" address.

The main thing those in attendance wanted to know about was the new CBA and whether or not the start of the 2019 season could be threatened.

Ambrosie says the plan is to sit down with the CFLPA and present a plan shortly after Sunday's game with hopes that a deal can be reached.  He is confident one will happen that will suit both sides.

Other things brought up by Ambrosie:

  • Things are progressing nicely with Maritime Football Limited and that there is tremendous enthusiasm and excitement in the region.  The question of a stadium remains the biggest obstacle.
  • The league is working together on several projects with Mexico’s Liga de Futbol Americano Professional which includes the possibility of the CFL holding a game or two in Mexico City in the year 2020
  • The league will look at scrapping East-West because of the many Western teams crossing over into the Eastern playoffs and making the league a one nine-team conference. 
  • We will have to wait for a formal announcement on what city hosts the 2020 Grey Cup because of the bids put forth.  It is believed Hamilton and Montreal have expressed an interest to host the game.  The Riders have let it be known they want to be the host as well

Ambrosie says the 106th Grey Cup and the Grey Cup Festival showcase the greatness of our game, the strength of our brand and the support of our great fans. But we can still be a bigger, better, stronger Canadian Football League.”


  1. Anonymous11/24/2018

    Mexico Liga de Futbol = DANGEROUS!

  2. Anonymous11/24/2018

    Mexico? Why?

  3. Anonymous11/24/2018

    No comments on AAF?
