
Monday, December 10, 2018

Something To "Mitch" About

--As expected, the information coming out of the CFL has trickled to an almost standstill,  All of the news now is basically negative as we hear from one club after another what coaches and scouts have been let go because of the coaching/football operations salary cap that has been placed on the teams.  One that I still think is ridiculous.

While talking with former Rams QB and current Calgary Stamps assistant coach Marc Mueller Friday in the Sportscage, I wondered if he would have the opportunity he has been given had this cap been put into place five years ago.  Up and comers like Mueller wouldn't have likely been given the chance to succeed the way he has.  The same could be said for Joey Swarbrick in Ottawa.  The Regina native has worked his way up to being the co-ordinator of football operations for the Eastern Conference champs.  He has had a major role in how that team operates and we have seen what they have done since coming into existence.  Would he have had the opportunity to move up from the ground floor to be the success he is if this cap were put in place years ago.

With Canadian scouts being turfed as is the case in Montreal and Edmonton, it is something the CFL needs to take a good hard look at and ask themselves if this is what they really want. If it is, they are hurting the overall product which is one that will be hurt short-term by the American Alliance of Football which has already had an impact.

Sportscage contributor Brendan McGuire thinks this cap won't be in place for long as it is simply an olive branch being thrown to the players as contentious talks to get a new CBA in place continue. I hope he's right, but I don't think that is the approach the league has.

--Sunday's NFL action was must-watch.  So many good games, so many great and bizarre endings.  Nothing moreso than what happened in Miami.  I think every football fan that doesn't root for the Patriots loved the way that game ended.

--The only team in the AFC North today were the Cleveland Browns. Let that sink in for just a while.

--While travelling through the streets of Regina last week, the talk started about Auston Matthews and the contract he will get as he will be a restricted free agent.  The conversation shifted to whether or not a team would make an offer sheet to Matthews with it being decided the Arizona Coyotes would have nothing to lose if they made an offer to bring him home.  Elliotte Friedman picked up that ball and ran with it Saturday night saying if the Leafs try what they did with William Nylander it could come back to haunt them.

Friedman then went on to say the same could be said in Winnipeg where Patrik Laine will command a huge contract.  If you gave Nylander 7 years at just under 42, what do you give Matthews and Laine? Safe to say Kyle Dubas and Kevin Cheveldayoff are ecstatic that the cap is going to go up.  I can see both guys not signing until July 1 and making the teams come up with the best offer they can before saying yay or nay to it.  Why not?

--Jim Hughson takes a lot of heat for his supposed "bias" towards the Toronto Maple Leafs.  Can we shift that spotlight to Craig Simpson?  His work in the 3rd period of the Toronto-Boston game was so slanted in one way that I thought he was wearing a Mitch Marner jersey in the booth.  He originally didn't think the Zach Hyman hit on Charlie McAvoy was a penalty.  Hyman got suspended for two games.  He didn't like the fact Matt Grzelczyk went after Hyman after the hit.  He thought the hit on Morgan Rielly moments after was a dirty one which the guys back in the studio didn't and he praised Ron Hainsey for going after Chris Wagner who delivered the hit to Rielly.  Add to that he kept saying the game wasn't over even though Boston was up 5-1 in the 3rd. It was a little over-the-top.

--Canada's athlete of the year is being voted on.  Would it be wrong to say my vote if I had one would go to Brooke Henderson?  The golfer had arguably the biggest Canadian sports moment right here at the Wascana didn't she?

--Larry Walker should be voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame and that could happen before the month is over.  If he does, he should wear the cap of the Colorado Rockies when he goes in.  Yes, he is a Canadian, but sorry Expos fans, he did his best work as a member of the Rockies and not the Expos.   Yes, when the induction plaque shows what teams he played on and what he did, what cap he is wearing is a non-story to me.

--Suggestion for Sportsnet and Hometown Hockey.   Have it next year from Wilcox when the Mandi Schwartz Invitational Tournament is on. I don't know if communities have to make a pitch to get Hometown Hockey to visit, but if not, it would just seem like a natural.

--This talking time cutdown at the Canada Cup of Curling looks to be as popular as a kale/quinoa salad would be for this blogger.  Why must sports continously tinker around with their game when it is working fine.  Did the players ask for this? Judging by their tweets this weekend, I don't think so.

--Don't know what ad is worse on TV right now.  Is it Coach Breaux and the Tide Pods (which he may be consuming) or the two idiots in the hyped-up cars discussing the new McDonalds chicken sandwich.  Who approves this sludge?

--That's all I got.  Have a great week!


  1. Anonymous12/10/2018

    I would agree with McGuire. A cap on football staff makes no sense, but if the players are squawking about it, it can be used as a tool for the league to say we are listening.

  2. Anonymous12/10/2018

    Are the Pats going to beat any team other than SC this year?

  3. Craig Simpson/Maple Leafs sounds like you and Rod discussing Rider things.

  4. Anonymous12/10/2018

    Can you imagine the chaos if Matthews signed with someone else! It would be outstanding!

  5. Anonymous12/10/2018

    All the hullabaloo about the Prince Albert Raiders, watch as they come crashing down to reality. Everett Silvertips, Portland Winterhawks within very close striking distance.

    Curling is not a sport.

  6. Anonymous12/10/2018

    SWC should go find other blogs and radio shows to listen to.

    SWC would fit in right in with the GZ audience because they are clueless or bored.

    Go away SWC!

  7. Anonymous12/10/2018

    Q: Has Hometown Hockey been to Wilcox? What a no-brainer!


  8. Anonymous12/12/2018

    3 of the Pats 8 wins this season (through 31 games) are against the last place in entire WHL 5-win SC Broncos. Pats only play them 3 more times this season for easy wins. Considering that, I can't see the Pats finishing the season, with more than 15 total wins for entire year.
