
Monday, January 7, 2019

Something To "Mitch" About

--The CFL GM's are about to meet in Quebec.  What will be discussed and what will the tone of the meetings be. While we as fans would think getting a new CBA is the number one priority for the league, do the general managers share that thought? What is known is that after a couple of days in Quebec, teams will be doing what many of us do in January and that is head down to Mexico.  It will be a "working" holiday for them though as they see what the Mexican League has to offer.

The whole alignment with Mexico’s Liga de Futbol Americano Professional still makes me scratch my head.  If one or two Mexican players are put on CFL teams, are they going to increase the roster size.  You certainly can't decrease the amount of Canadians you have on the roster, so are you going to decrease the amount of Americans (or Internationals). Will there be an incentive for having a Mexican player on your roster and if there is, why don't you give the same incentive to teams with a Canadian QB on their roster.

--While Commissioner Ambrosie and the GM's meet, where are we on the CBA? That question needs to be answered ahead of any other one in the CFL right now!

--I had someone ask me why players like Sam Eguavoen and Jordan Williams-Lanbert would be so gung-ho in trying out for NFL teams when a starters job is far from being certain.  All I had to do was let them know what a miminum salary for an NFL player was compared to what a CFL player is making.  Any player in the CFL that feels he is deserving of an NFL opportunity should take the chance and attempt it.  Some will make it and be an impact player like Cam Wake or Jerrell Freeman, some will be special-teams players like Brian Peters and Brandon Zylstra and others will come back to the CFL like Adam Bighill and Weston Dressler.  If you feel you can play with the big guys, it would be stupid to not pursue the opportunity especially when you consider the money that is in play.

--Is a Finnish win at the World Juniors enough to cure a country still simmering over Canada's performance at the event.  I didn't watch the gold medal game because of the Seahawks-Cowboys game, but those who were not surprised to see the Finns beat Canada were not surprised to see the team win gold.  The win also sets up what should be a tremendous pool for the 2020 event in the Czech Republic.  When you take the way the 2019 event ended and slot the teams in, you have Canada up against the US, Russia, the host nation and Germany.  Three of those four will not be easy.

--If Max Comtois had a separated shoulder, why was he taking the penalty shot? Did Comtois hide this from Hockey Canada officials and if so, why was he playing in the first place?  As I have said previously, the abuse he took from hockey fans in the wake of the quarter-final loss was disgusting, but as I have also said, I am no fan of the player and the way he conducts himself on the ice.   No one brought up the fact that when Finland tied the game late in the 3rd that Comtois struck his arm out to try and strike a Finland player as he skated towards their bench.  Look at the video from the benches and you will see it. In the end, I guess it really doesn't matter now does it.

--One of those on the Finnish gold medal team was former Swift Current Bronco Alexsi Heponiemi. Instead of coming back for another year in the WHL, he decided to stay back home to play.  With the WHL trade deadline coming up, I wonder how many teams have inquired about his services.  He could bring Swift Current back a nice haul with the trade deadline coming up Thursday.  In all honesty, I had forgotten all about him until the juniors started.

--What do the Moose Jaw Warriors do at the deadline?  Do they try to make one more run with the guys that they have or do they peddle off the likes of Josh Brook, Justin Almeida and Tristin Langan in an attempt to gain some assets for the future.  That won't be an easy decision.

--After making four trades and getting some much-needed draft picks back, I would think the Pats are done, but who knows.  If the right offer comes up for the right guy, I can't see the team not taking it.

--One other note concerning the WHL.  Why do we have three-in-three weekends?  They were bad enough when 72 games were being played, but now there are 68.  Its somewhat ridiculous.

--Whenever people talk about the Oilers, they continously bring up that Edmonton has the league's best player in Connor McDavid.  As I look around the NHL landscape, I wonder if Connor truly is the best player in the league.  Look at Kucherov, McKinnon, Laine, Matthews, Marner and Gaudreau.  I am assuming if you were starting a team from scratch that McDavid would still be at the top of the list when you consider his body of work and where he can go from here, but there are many that are right at his level.   With all those players mentioned, it will be hard for the NHL to select three finalists for the award this year.  Once again, if McDavid doesn't get his team into the playoffs, I don't know how you can make him a finalist.

--Cam Talbot had a shutout Sunday night.  Cam Talbot? This has to be an ominous sign!

--To the NFL playoffs and there is just one word you can use.  "KICKERS"!  Cody Parkey will go down in infamy for his double doink at the end of the Bears-Eagles game.  Meanwhile, one wonders what would have happened to the Ravens had the usually reliable Justin Tucker not missed a field goal in the Ravens-Chargers game and 90 year old Sebastian Janikowski may see his long career end with a kick that resulted in him blowing out his hammy in the Seahawks loss to Denver.  KICKERS!!  BAH!!!

--Were the Colts that good or the Texans that bad on Saturday.  There were quarterbacks watching that game at all levels wishing they could have an o-line like what Andrew Luck has at his disposal. He was basically untouched.

--When the Seahawks can run the ball, they are a tough team to beat.  When they can't run the ball, they don't seemingly want to adapt as was evidenced Saturday in Dallas.  They could not run against the Cowboys, but they kept trying and trying and trying.  Russell Wilson showed he could throw the ball, but the offensive co-ordinator would not budge meaning Seattle got what they deserved which was a loss.  Nice short-kick try at the end by the way.  Just horrible.  Did Pete Carroll have no other player to try a short kick with?

--I thought the Chargers would beat the Ravens simply for the fact they had seen Lamar Jackson do his thing and knew what to do to stop him.  For 3 1/2 quarters they did so.  The Ravens rookie QB couldn't do anything until it was basically too late.  Did his bubble burst?

--Last, but certainly not least.  Regina lost a good one over the weekend as Jerry Orban passed away. The long-time teacher and coach leaves a hole in the Rams family.  Those who knew him knew what type of man he was.  He will be missed!

--That's all I got.  Have a great week!


  1. Larry Schwentke1/07/2019

    So will the GMs decide where the 2020 Grey Cup will be held. They said they would announce it in December!

  2. Anonymous1/07/2019

    Comtois was a disgrace to this country with his flopping. Go play soccer! If he was hurt, why was he playing? If he put himself ahead of his country by hiding this injury so he could play at less than 100 percent, it says a lot about the man!

  3. Anonymous1/07/2019

    Whether its 68 games or 72 games, three games in three days are stupid especially when the third game is in the afternoon.


  4. Anonymous1/07/2019

    I said before and I say it again, Connor McDavid the one way player not the Oilers answer to their on ice woes. Taylor Hall a way better player than McDavid, sadly the Oilers got rid of him.


  5. Anonymous1/07/2019

    Move over Bartman! Chicago has a new villain in town.

  6. Anonymous1/07/2019

    RIP Mr. Orban!

    One of the best teachers I have ever had.


  7. Anonymous1/07/2019

    Nice job on PA yesterday Scruff! You should be doing more of that!

  8. Anonymous1/07/2019

    I'm with Richard!

    Its not an excuse, but the Pats were outplayed badly yesterday because they ran out of gas. How can you expect to play in Saskatoon on Friday, come home late, get back on the bus to go to Swift, come back late and then be back at the rink for a 4 o'clock game.

    I'd love to see what team records are at the end of a 3 in 3.

    The WHL needs to look into this after reducing sked.


  9. Anonymous1/07/2019

    NHL teams don't play three in three so why should WHL teams?

  10. Anonymous1/08/2019

    Pats are done
