
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Vancouver Province Says Reilly To Lions

Image result for mike reilly

It would appear as if Mike Reilly is ready to get paid. 

Ed Willes from the Vancouver Province is reporting Reilly will sign with the BC Lions once CFL free agency begins with the price-tag in the $700,000 a year range.

The story can be found here


  1. Anonymous2/10/2019

    Good! Now the Riders can share the award of no proven #1 QB with Eskies

  2. Anonymous2/10/2019

    $700,000? That should mean some attractive FA's will spring free from BC. Hello Bryan Burnham!

    1. Anonymous2/10/2019

      Take Burnham off the list of free agent players as he just resigned with the BC Lions. He and Reilly going to lite it up 2019.

  3. Anonymous2/10/2019

    If Ballsy ends up being Rod's replacement, will it bother you? It will bother me and many others, but will it bother you?

  4. Anonymous2/10/2019

    Hard to see how any team can win a Grey Cup when such a huge chunk of the salary cap goes to just one player.

  5. Anonymous2/10/2019

    If Ballsy ends up being the new Riders p x p guy, I will just listen to the visiting team's broadcast. Not alone on that thought process either.


  6. Anonymous2/11/2019

    Hate to say it , but I agree if Ballsy is new play by play guy, I will use Tune It app and listen to visiting team's radio call.
