
Monday, March 25, 2019

Packers-Bears To Open 100th NFL Season

Image result for bears vs packers

The NFL's 100th Season will kick off with a classic rivalry as the Chicago Bears host the Green Bay Packers on Thursday, September 5 at 8:20 PM ET on NBC. This will be the 199th meeting between the Bears and Packers, including regular-season and post-season games.

The Super Bowl champion New England Patriots will raise their championship banner on NBC Sunday Night Football in Week 1 at 8:20 PM ET on Sunday, September 8. Their opponent will be announced when the full 2019 regular season schedule is released later this spring.


  1. Anonymous3/25/2019

    Aug 16. Packers = Raiders, Piffles Field II. Exciting! Can't wait! Action! Be there or be square □.

  2. Anonymous3/25/2019

    But the big question is , will there be a Green Bay Oakland exhibition game in August at Mosaic Stadium? I sure hope so, got my money ready for tickets

  3. Anonymous3/26/2019

    Report on 3Down that the Riders have quashed the Raiders-Packers game at Mosaic and that Edmonton & Winnipeg have stepped up as a replacement site.

    Rod S in Saskatoon

  4. Anonymous3/26/2019

    Well if it's true the Riders/CFL didn't want this game, then it backfired on a lot of us fans. We will drive to Winnipeg that weekend, spend money on Winnipeg restaurants, hotels and pay Manitoba taxes on everything that weekend. And guess where we won't be? Mosaic to watch the Rider game the next night.

  5. Anonymous3/27/2019

    Guess we're heading to Winnipeg that weekend then
