
Friday, August 16, 2019

CFL and CFLPA Discuss Weather Protocol

– The Canadian Football League (CFL) and the Canadian Football League Players’ Association (CFLPA) met to discuss the new weather protocol that was put into effect when an electrical storm forced a delay and, ultimately, the stoppage of last weekend’s Montreal- Saskatchewan game. We agreed the result of the game was the proper outcome according to the protocol, which is part of our new collective bargaining agreement.

However, the CFL fully acknowledged that communication with the players association should have been better during the process, and those communication issues were fully discussed and resolved between the parties. 

Finally, we discussed whether we should now revisit and possibly amend the protocol. It was agreed that the most prudent course of action is to assemble all the relevant stakeholders — team and league executives, players association representatives, general managers, coaches and officials - in the off-season to reassess the protocol. Therefore, no change to the protocol is anticipated for the remainder of the 2019 season.

Randy Ambrosie
Commissioner, CFL
Brian Ramsay
Executive Director, CFLPA

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