
Friday, August 30, 2019

This and That

-Welcome to Friday!  Here are the usual assortment of thoughts running through my muddled mind and as always, they come in no particular order

--The Labour Day Classic is here, but all the talk surrounding the game (and what a game it should be) is about the two game suspension issued to Andrew Harris for violating the CFL's drug policy.  Predictably, Harris pulled out one of the excuses used when athletes are caught saying he took a tainted supplement.  Sorry dude, but the blame still falls on you and now you have to deal with the fallout.

Does this tarnish his legacy as one of the greatest Canadians to play in the CFL.  How can it not? I don't know how people doing year-end award voting can make him the MOP or outstanding Canadian this year.  You can't justify it.  They might be able to in Winnipeg, but you can't have someone labelled as a "cheat" winning awards at year-end.

--Without Harris and Nichols, one would think the Bombers might be easy pickins for the Riders on Sunday.  I wonder what Edmonton thought when they found out who wasn't in the lineup last week.  How did that turn out?   While the Riders deserve all the credit they are getting for their five game win streak, this isn't Ottawa they are playing this week and playing a game like they did against Ottawa will bite them in the butt.   The penalties this team is taking is ridiculous. If they take a whole whack of penalties to extend or end drives on Sunday, they may walk off the field as the losing team.  Oh wait, its Labour Day.  The Riders don't lose this game right? Past history would show Bomber wins in Regina on the first Sunday in September are rare.

--Some factions of Rider Nation have done nothing but complain about something or other at the stadium this year.  Whether it be the fact you can't smoke or the prices of beer and food or the game-day experience, the "fans" aren't happy about something.  Those same fans will fill Mosaic Stadium on Sunday as its sold-out.  The message "Quit the moaning and enjoy the game"  Win or lose it will be three hours of entertainment well worth it.

--Its Labour Day weekend and there are only three games being played in the CFL? The league wonders why people are so quick to bash them. Here's just one of many reasons!

-- The situation involving the Thom Trojans football team is a sad one considering where that team used to be not so long ago. I can't believe only 16 kids showed interest in playing what is a great game.  Why the disinterest?  It hurts the school, it hurts the rivalry with O'Neill, it hurts the game as a whole. I don't know what the problem is, but hopefully it gets fixed to the point where the Trojans are back on the field in 2020.

--The NFL season is here.  Can not wait for next Thursday when the Packers and Bears kick it off. 

--I would have to think the U of R Rams took notice of the fact they placed dead last in the Canada West football coaches poll.  We will see how much of a motivator that slap in the face is on Friday night when they take on UBC in Vancouver. 

The Thunderbirds will be solid again this year, but they've lost a lot as well.  I think many don't believe a first-year quarterback in Josh Donnelly can be successful.   Its not fair to label Donnelly as another Noah Picton in his first year, but he is going to be a good one.  How quick can he adapt to the University game. If his lone contest in Calgary against a very good Dinos defence is any indication, it may be sooner than later.   I'll have that game for you from the beautiful, yet nightmarish Thunderbirds Stadium starting at 8 Saturday night on the mighty 620.

--Where did summer go?

--People ask me what I think the Pats are going to be like.  I don't know! I get the feeling this will be a team that will be in the hunt for a playoff spot come the trade deadline when assets will be traded away.  It is at that time we will see if they sink or swim!

--Rogers must be losing money big-time with all the talent being cut from the hockey division.  Nick Kypreos, Doug McLean and John Shannon will not be back.  Sadly, some remain.  Try and try as they might, Rogers just can't get a solid foothold on what they want to do and there are a lot of years left on that contract.  TSN didn't suffer as much as some thought they would and I have to think at some point, they are going to come to Rogers and say can we help you?  Wednesday night and Sunday night hockey on TSN with the NFL Sunday nighter on CTV?  I could see it happening.

--That's all I got.  Have a great long weekend!


  1. Anonymous8/30/2019

    Andrew Harris will be the Barry Bonds of the CFL forever, that's his legacy.

  2. Anonymous8/30/2019

    With Jefferson and Big Hill the Rider offence will have to play a solid game. Keep penalties to a minimum and special teams need to be better. Will be an entertaining game.

  3. Anonymous8/30/2019

    RE: Thom HS football

    Only 16 kids were interested in playing HS Football? Why is the question which must be answered. I do not live in the Thom community (closest HS to me is Balfour/Miller) so I may be off base with this.

    It would seem to me as if being white now makes me a minority at my child's elementary school. The kids coming into our country do not know football from a hole in the ground. They would rather play soccer, cricket etc. etc. Can they be blamed?

    With kids staring into their phone, playing Madden and not learning a game we grew up loving, it hurts the sport. While it is Thom today, one has to wonder if this will spill down to other smaller schools like O'Neill, Johnson, Sheldon etc etc leaving the bigger schools to compete.

    Just my two cents


  4. Anonymous8/30/2019

    If the Riders don't win this game by more than a TD, questions need to be asked about how good they really are!

  5. Anonymous8/30/2019

    Interesting take by Dwight.

    peter dalla riva

  6. Anonymous8/30/2019

    Agree on the three-game weekend! #dumb

  7. Anonymous8/30/2019

    Great letter to the LP written by Gerry Thompson (former Thom coach) today. Its well worth the read.


  8. Anonymous8/30/2019

    I'm not getting into immigration and what immigrants prefer for sports. All I'm saying is the CFL is dying a slow death. It all starts with minor football leagues and they are drying up. That will eventually end the CFL and many university programs in Canada.

  9. Anonymous8/31/2019

    Football is losing popularity in the USA as well, this sport has a growing image problem

    Football's relatively low popularity among younger Americans, combined with ever-growing evidence of the physical and mental damage the sport does even at the high school level, could jeopardize its standing in the decades ahead.

  10. Anonymous9/01/2019

    Even though it's no longer his job description I see where your buddy Pedersen is still defending Chris Jones. You know, kinda like Goodale sticking up for Trudeau.

  11. Anonymous9/01/2019

    As long as the Riders get the Split with Bombers, I'll be a happy fan
