
Friday, November 29, 2019

This And That

--Welcome to Friday and the usual assortment of things running through my muddled mind.   As always, these come in no particular order

--The Bill Peters story is a shocker! It has stunned not only the hockey community, but the entire sporting landscape.  Yes, what Peters did was many, many years ago but it doesn't excuse him from what was said.  Like many of you, I am left to wonder what is taking the Flames so long to jettison him from the organization and how did Peters continue to get NHL jobs when it is obvious that the hockey community knew what was going on----at least they seemed to.   When it comes to why he is still employed, I am guessing there is a lot of legalese happening.

How did and why did  Hockey Canada reward this guy with assignments?  How did the Red Wings allow him to come on board their organization and how did he get head coaching jobs in Carolina and Calgary.  To be fair, I have heard nothing but great things about Peters from those in the hockey community including people that were here for the Heritage Classic.  Those people must be as stunned as anyone.

This isn't as large as the Graham James scandal, but it is an eye-opener for hockey. A big one!  I am guessing there are a lot of coaches in a lot of sports that are going back and reviewing their tactics for situations that have come up in the past.

--The ink is slowly drying on the 2019 CFL season, but it is safe to say that there will likely be a lot of off-season talk which is good for the league.  There are three head coaching vacancies as BC, Edmonton and Ottawa need to fill their spots.  The Bombers still haven't signed Mike O'Shea to an extension and why would Toronto want to keep Corey Chamblin after the disaster they have just gone through.   Yes, I know the Argos have stated they will likely keep Chamblin, but why? Until I see something official from the Argos on Chamblin's status, I would say they are looking.

You have to think Rick Campbell ends up in Edmonton and one would have to believe Jason Maas re-surfaces in BC, but I don't know if he would be the head coach.  I wonder if Mike Reilly would have any say in that.  Does Mike Benavides deserve another shot?

--What do the Bombers do with Zach Collaros?   He gave them the greatest four games in franchise history by bringing a Grey Cup.  How can Winnipeg not offer him a contract after what he did.  I am guessing Zach would like to go back to Toronto or Hamilton for family reasons, but if the money is right.

--How much quarterback movement are we going to see in the off-season?  With the Lions, Eskimos, Stamps, Riders and Alouettes secure with their signal-callers. there will be some openings, but who falls where.  Does Hamilton stay with Dane Evans and let Jeremiah Masoli go.  Where does Nick Arbuckle end up?If Winnipeg keeps Collaros, where does Matt Nichols end up?

--Who celebrated their championship harder.  Chris Streveler or Alex Ovechkin?

--In watching the Grey Cup again, I would have cast my vote for the game's MVP to Willie Jefferson. He was everywhere in that game right from the opening series.

--If you have seen the CFL free agent list, what three free agents from another team (not the Riders) would you like to see wearing green-and-white next year.

--Back to hockey.  If the old adage of 75-80 percent of teams in the playoffs as of the American Thanksgiving holiday make the playoffs then you would find right now that four of the seven Canadian teams would be in (Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Vancouver) with Calgary and Montreal on the edge of a spot.  Its hard to fathom that stat when there is so much time to go in the season, but the facts show it to be reality.

--True and loyal Toronto Raptors fans are complaining that their team is getting no respect despite the fact they have the 2nd best record in the East.  On this one they are right.  This team isn't getting back to the championship with the roster it has now, but they deserve to be mentioned as one of the league's top teams which they aren't anymore.  Meanwhile, the mighty Golden State Warriors are now the 2nd worst team in the "association" ahead of only the Knicks. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.  Not many are complaining about that.

--Who is the next head coach of the Dallas Cowboys?  Jerry Jones has said he isn't getting rid of Jason Garrett, but one has to think that as soon as the final gun sounds ending Dallas' season that Garrett will be a man without a job.  Would an established NFL coach want to go work for Jones in the environment that is the Cowboys or would he have to find a college coach.  I think its the latter.

--Week 13 NFL Lock Of The Week --- Chiefs over Raiders
   Week 13 NFL Upset Of The Week  --- Steelers over Browns

--Should be a good weekend of basketball at the CKHS as the Cougars take on Alberta.  Go check it out.  It won't break your wallet!

--That's all I got. Have a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous11/29/2019

    Scruff - not sure why Pittsburgh over the Browns would be an upset - they have almost identical records, so a win by either team should not be considered an upset. Miami over the Eagles or a Texans win over New England would be better choices for Upset of the Week, IMHO.

    Rod S in Saskatoon

  2. Anonymous11/29/2019

    Lot of coaches are having sleepless nights these days I'm guessing.

  3. Anonymous11/29/2019

    Collaros wants to be back in southern Ontario, but the Argos are the only fit. If Winnipeg offers up the $$, and why wouldn't they he stays there. He gave them something they had been looking for even with Nichols in the lineup. Nichols ends up in Toronto with O'Shea.


  4. Anonymous11/29/2019


    Pittsburgh is at home
    Cleveland is favoured by 3

    That game is a bettors delight and with Pittsburgh being the underdog, you go with the home underdog and a 3 point spread.

    Sounds to me like you are a Chris Jones disciple and have become a Browns follower.

    1. Anonymous11/29/2019

      No, not a Jones disciple at all. I guess I define 'upset' as something more like 'wow so-and-so actually beat so-and-so' didnt see that coming. I dont see 2 similar-win/loss teams as being a 'wow' type of game if one happened to beat the other.

      PS: love your blog.

      Rod S in Saskatoon

    2. Anonymous11/29/2019

      Scruffy - like an underdog beating an overwhelming favourite - thats an 'upset' to me.

      Rod S in Saskatoon

  5. Anonymous11/29/2019

    That whole Winnipeg d-line was too much for Hamilton right from the opening snap. A good argument could be had for Willie or Jeffcoat. At the end of the day, the cheater prospered though.


  6. Anonymous11/29/2019

    Garrett can stay the coach of the Cowboys forever!

    Any day Dallas loses is a great day!

  7. Anonymous11/29/2019

    Peters is gone. It sounds like Crawford is next up on the firing line. Have to wonder when Mike Keenan's name gets brought up.
