
Friday, February 21, 2020

This And That

--Welcome to Friday and the weekly thoughts running through my muddled mind.  As always, they come in no particular order

--I had no doubts in my mind that Moose Jaw would not deliver as the host venue for the 2020 Scotties Tournament of Hearts.  As expected, this year's Canadian women's curling championship has been tremendous both on and off the ice.

The organizing committee has basically done what they did five years ago to make Curling Canada ecstatic over what had gone on at Mosaic Place and that is the story again this year as it has been a first-class show.   Robyn Silvernagle will be in tough to get to the playoffs.  Having her in the final would be a dream scenario for organizers, but you can't have it all. 

--At some point, someone in Moose Jaw has to approach the Canadian Hockey League with a Memorial Cup bid.  You can't tell me it couldn't be done here.   

--Is the XFL a threat to the CFL?  Not in my mind.  Yes, some CFL free agents have decided to try the new league out by signing on, but I see the XFL on the same path as the AAF.  TV numbers are down from the first week to the second and attendance isn't that great.  The XFL will likely get a whole season in unlike the AAF, but I wouldn't be making any  plans to go watch the DC Defenders or Seattle Dragons in 2021 if you know what I mean. 

--I have no problem with Randy Ambrosie wanting to change the playoff format in the CFL, but having one team choose their opponent is dumb.  Why are some leagues advocating for this?

--The Sportscage "Way to Early Power Rankings" have Hamilton atop the ladder followed by the Riders and Winnipeg . I have the Riders at 1 with Hamilton at 2 and Winnipeg at 3.  If Winnipeg were to get an established back-up QB, I might have them at the top of the ladder. 

--I don't know who Ken Holland is going to get at the trade deadline for an Edmonton Oilers team that is hanging onto first in the Pacific, but guys like Blake Coleman and Tyler Toffoli are gone.  Both would have been a good option.  Is Andreas Athanasiou the answer?  It just may be the default choice.  What will the cost be?

--I want the Winnipeg Jets to get in the playoffs.  I don't want the Calgary Flames to get in. It's as simple as that. 

--Raisins are gross!  It had to be said! 

--I have to wonder what the football future of Chris Jones will be after this season. He will remain in Cleveland just because he is under contract, but what happens when next season ends.  I don't think he'll return to the CFL, but who knows.  I seem to think the man in black will have an NCAA job next season with either a Division 1 or 2 school.  

--I can understand getting caught with a little bit of weed, but Alouettes receiver Quan Bray got caught with 157 pounds of it in his vehicle.  157 POUNDS!!! That's a whole lotta weed ladies and gents. 

--The Kelowna Rockets are the host team for the Memorial Cup. They just fired their head coach and they are 4th in the BC Division with 52 points.  If the Rockets have a magical week and win the damn tournament, it is time to either scrap the host team or do a massive revamp.  It will be very embarassing for the Canadian Hockey League if the Rockets win.   By the way, Kelowna has 52 points while the Pats have 43. 

--Deja Vu and the Mad Greek are two must stops in Moose Jaw when wanting food, but there are so many good places one can drop some $$$ down when in the city.  The fine people of Moose Jaw are spoiled with all the options they have at their disposal.  

--That's all I got.  Have a great weekend! 

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