
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Back at 500

Say what you will about Stefanie Lawton and Team Saskatchewan's performance at the Scotties but one can't deny that the game is going right down to the last rock. It was another nailbiter in Victoria today in Draw 9 but in the end Lawton stole one in the 10th to beat Team Canada's Jennifer Jones. In the words of Vic Rauter "MAKE THE FINAL 7-6 FOR TEAM SASKATCHEWAN". The win evens Lawton's record at 3-3 which is outstanding considering she started 0-3. The loss for Jones was her first leaving her tied for first with BC at 5-1. Lawton can't relish in the win over Jones as she is back on the ice this afternoon playing the Kerry Galusha rink from the Yukon/Northwest Territories.

One other item and it concerns your Saskatchewan Roughriders. I was looking at the draft order which you can find on the league's website or by going to the CFL combine post I had earlier this week. I should have known this but by looking at the draft order, the Riders only have a 2nd and a 3rd round pick in this year's draft. The Riders possess great Canadian talent already but it looks as if they are going to have go through the free agency route to get others instead of the draft as it stands right now because they will only add two Canadians as it stands right now. Hopefully the team can get a couple of picks through trades before draft day rolls around. I'm sure my bud and all around good guy Chris Garton will be discussing this on ad nauseum over the next few days. Garts is Szarka33 for those of you who aren't informed.


And before I forget. I"VE HAD ENOUGH OF THE SNOW!!!!!

OK maybe its not that bad----BUT ITS CLOSE!! Where are you spring???

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