
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Love Regina!!

There are many reasons as to why Regina is one of the best sporting communities in all of Canada. One of those reasons is the way the community gets behind something and that is what happened Tuesday night at the Doug Wickenheiser Arena. The Regina Rebels female hockey team played a benefit game for Mandi Schwartz. She is a Regina girl who was playing hockey at Yale University until she was discovered to have leukemia. Hundreds of people turned up at the contest with over 22 hundred dollars being raised. Nice job to everyone involved.
So much for the Pats winning streak. They were beaten 5-2 in Swift Current meaning they remain three back of 8th place Edmonton and Prince Albert. It doesn’t get any easier tonight as Regina heads into Calgary to play the Hitmen in a game that will be nationally televised by Rogers Sportsnet. Regina was outshot in the final two periods of the game 32-14 and they were outscored 3-1 in the 3rd. I don’t have the numbers in front of me but I believe Regina has been outscored badly in the final 20 minutes of a game this year. It just asks the question why this team can’t turn it up a notch in that final 20. I was asked the other day if conditioning has something to do with it. I can’t see that being the case this late into the season.
It’s a big day in Moose Jaw. The city will decide if it wants to be stuck in the stone age or decide that it wants to have a vibrant future. Voters in the city are being asked if they want a multiplex in the City. The question being asked is “That the City of Moose Jaw reaffirm its financial commitment of $34,530,560 toward the construction of a hockey arena, curling and indoor soccer facilities. The answer to this question has to be yes. Not only will hockey, curling and indoor soccer grow if this facility is built but so will Moose Jaw as a whole. Events will come to the city that otherwise wouldn’t. Sporting events, trade shows, concerts…etc. etc. etc. People will have a facility they can be proud of and a facility that will get lots of usage. Saying no will in my mind basically kill off the city. Hockey fans can get ready for visits from the Yorkton Terriers or some other SJHL team. Nothing against that league but its no WHL. You won’t see guys that have gone on to the NHL like Ryan Smyth, Theoren Fleury and Dustin Boyd just to name three ever again. Think of all the players that are in the NHL that have come into the decrepit Civic Center to do their thing. Think of the best rivalry in the Canadian Hockey League which is the Warriors versus the Pats. All of this will be gone if you say no and many other negatives will result as well. Swift Current didn’t build a new facility but they at least upgraded theirs and look at how that community has benefitted early on with events like the provincial womens curling championship and a future World Womens Curling Championship. Moose Jaw could have the same thing happen to them. If you are in Moose Jaw reading this or if you know anyone in Moose Jaw, do me a favour and vote YES or phone your acquaintances in the Band City and tell them to vote YES!! I have confidence in the fine people of Moose Jaw that they will do the right thing. If they don’t, someone please turn off the lights.

Stefanie Lawton has her game together at the Scotties in Victoria. After losing her first three, Lawton has won four straight and is now right in the mix going into Wednesday’s play. The Saskatoon rink from the CN Curling Club—who as Vic Rauter said is now rumbling like a CN freight train-- will meet Alberta’s Cheryl Bernard in the afternoon draw and Andrea Kelly of New Brunswick in the evening draw. As we start Wednesday, the leader is Marla Mallett from BC who is 6-1. By the way, organizers have to be very disappointed with the attendance in Victoria. It doesn’t look like many people are watching the event on a draw to draw basis. Maybe those in the arena are also getting a solid dose of those lame Capital One ads with Kevin Martin and Jennifer Jones. Who approves these things???
Matt Dominguez fans will like this story….
The race for the final few playoff spots in the NHL West will likely go right down to the final game. We pretty much know right now that either the Sharks or Wings will finish first in the Conference followed by Calgary in 3rd and Chicago in 4th but after that its anyones guess. There are just over 20 games to play and the gap between 5th place Vancouver and 13th place St. Louis is eight points.
Tiger Woods gets back on the golf course today. The last time we saw him was after his playoff win over Rocco Mediate to win the US Open. As you know he has been off the PGA Tour since then after having reconstructive surgery on his left knee but he will be on the tee later today when the Accenture Match Play Championship starts. Tiger telling the world yesterday he feels as if his short game is better than ever. Just what the field needs to hear. One can only imagine what will be said if Tiger gets beat today. One can only imagine what will be said if Tiger wins this event.
Finally, I wouldn’t find this funny if it were my kid but its not so it is. Enjoy!!!!

OK there you go. Thanks for reading. Get to work!!!!

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