
Monday, February 23, 2009

Is There Light At The End Of The Tunnel

A pessimist would say yeah its two wins but they were against Moose Jaw. An optimist will say the Pats are ready to make one final sprint towards the 8th and final playoff spot in the East. What side are you on? Regina making it two straight wins over the Warriors as they walk into the Civic Centre and get the two points with a 4-1 win. Jordan Eberle had a big night for the winners as he had a goal and three assists. The win means Regina is three points behind Prince Albert and Edmonton for that 8th and final playoff spot in the Eastern Conference. Kootenay has moved into 6th meaning the 7th place team right now are the Lethbridge Hurricanes. They are nine ahead of Regina. Dale Derkatch’s crew must just concentrate now on catching the Raiders and Oil Kings and forget about Lethbridge at this time. Yes, a first round date against Calgary will likely be their reward meaning what probably is a short playoff appearance but getting there will at least avoid a complete disaster of this season. The Pats will be in Swift Current Tuesday night in what will be a big game as are all of the final 10 games on the season.
The NHL’s two biggest stars are feuding. Alex Ovechkin and Sidney Crosby were sniping at one another during yesterday’s game—one that Washington won 5-2. Ovechkin saying after the game Crosby is a good player but he talks too much. Sid responded by talking about Ovechkin’s showmanship saying like it or lump it that’s what he does. Some people like it, some don’t and personally he doesn’t. Sid, I’ve got some news for you. Alex’s showmanship and love for the game is something he does on every shift. He has a genuine love for the game and his attitude on the ice and off of it is the reason why he has surpassed you as the face of the NHL. He is the league’s best player and you Mr. Crosby may be number 3 behind your teammate Evgeni Malkin. You might even be number 4 after Sharks forward Joe Thornton in my books. In fact, there is a question for you. If you had to rank the top 10 players in the NHL today, who would they be. I will go Ovechkin, Malkin, Thornton, Crosby, Iginla, Getzlaf, Datsyuk, Nash, Luongo and Lidstrom.
The Cougars mens basketball team lost Game 3 of the GPAC final to Brandon by a score of 78-76. Regina had a 5 point lead going into the final quarter. A complete report on the game which sounds like it had a fantastic finish can be found here….

Stefanie Lawton’s Scotties is turning into a nightmare. The Saskatchewan rink is still looking for its first win after losing 10-7 to Newfoundland’s Heather Strong. Strong scoring 5 in the 8th to take control of the game and drop the Saskatoon foursome to a record of 0-3 which is not what a lot of people were expecting.

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