
Monday, February 23, 2009

See Ya Tom and CFL Rule Changes

The New York Rangers have fired head coach Tom Renney. This after a losing tailspin that has seen the team drop 10 of their last 12. He is the 5th NHL head coach to get fired this year. No replacement was named.
The BC Lions have apparently signed defensive back Korey Banks to a contract extension and are very close to signing quarterback Buck Pierce to one as well.
As you know, CFL commissioner Marc Cohon is asking fans to voice their input on possible rule changes to the game. Here are my suggestions

1) Eliminate the single point. Yes to some "the rouge" is unique but to me its stupid. How can you reward someone for failure. If you miss a field goal or you punt the ball in the endzone instead of hemming someone deep in their own end then you get squat.

2) If a team wants to concede a safety when punting deep in their own end, then give the team scoring the points to have the option of A) scrimmaging the ball at midfield or B) have the team giving up the safety kick from their 20. Allowing coaches to have this option is something that takes away from the game in my mind

3)This may be an unpopular idea but the size of the endzones are too big. I don't want NFL sized endzones but I would like to see the endzones reduced by at least 5 yards.

4) A 6 game injury list. Too many teams put guys on a nine game list and then realize he could be back earlier or they know he isn't hurt for 9 weeks but they must put him on that list because of salary cap concerns. A 6 game list would alleviate this somewhat.

5)Too many coaches are I think guilty of trying to challenge something they know they can't. If a coach is guilty of doing this, assess a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty to them.

What are your thoughts on proposed CFL rule changes?? There are some that say the game is fine right now and don't change a thing. Are you one of those saying that??

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