
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pats Crush Raiders

Most knew the Regina Pats would be a better hockey club once Jordan Eberle returned to the fold, but HOLY CRAP! Eberle's return sparked the Pats to a 9-3 win in Prince Albert as they fired 50 shots on goal. Ebs had two goals and two assists in his return, while Jordan Weal had three with Brett Leffler getting a goal and three assists. Safe to say this team won't be scoring nine goals each night with Eberle in the lineup, but this has to be very encouraging for Curtis Hunt, Brent Parker and crew. Swift Current and Red Deer are at the Dome this weekend. Yes, the Rider game is Friday night and yes, Saturday is the first Saturday of the NHL season, but I'm still thinking many will be out at the rink this weekend to welcome Jordan back and see the Pats team that this team envisioned when they broke camp. It sounds like it got a little nasty as well with Curtis Hunt firing water bottles onto the ice because he was upset with the guys in the striped shirts. Welcome back Curtis! Welcome back! Did you think those guys had gotten any better when you were gone?
Roy Halladay had to do it. After seeing Boston closer Jonathan Papelbon hit Adam Lind Tuesday night after he had hit three homers, Halladay sent a message early on in Wednesday's game against the Red Sox. With Boston not playing their "A" lineup because they clinched a playoff spot the night before, Halladay didn't have a lot of guys to choose from, but when he hit David Ortiz with his first pitch of the 2nd inning, he did what he had to. It was an act of retribution. It wasn't an attempt to "earhole" Ortiz, it was just a message saying what was done last night wasn't appreciated and you won't do it again tonight. I hate it in hockey when a guy is forced to fight after a clean check, but I love it in baseball when a pitcher lets the other team know that throwing at a guy isn't accepted nor tolerated and it won't be happening again. By the way, if it was Halladay's last start as a Blue Jay, it was one to remember as he fires a complete game three hitter in a 12-0 romp.
Jim Balsillie says he is now done with his attempts to purchase the Phoenix Coyotes. This after an Arizona judge rejects his attempt to buy the team for 242.5 million dollars. Does Gary Bettman think he has now won this war? Yes, he has stopped a team from moving from the US into Canada----for now! If you think Bettman has heard the last of Balsillie, you are sadly mistaken. With many other teams having financial difficulties, its just a matter of time before Mr. Balsillie is back to being a thorn in Bettman's side. If Gary truly wanted the best for his sport, he would have allowed the sale of the Coyotes who I'm sure will be roadkill before New Years. I'm guessing most home games will be quite empty this year. Then again, its been that way for a while has it not.
The NHL season starts tomorrow! Is it just me or was this off-season a little quicker than usual. Yeah, many of us will watch tonight because it is opening night, but really, does anyone care about the NHL season in this province until the Rider season is over. Not many sacrifice hockey for football until December in this province. With the NHL season beginning, are the Leafs mathematically eliminated from playoff contention yet. Don't kid yourselves Leaf fans, your team is not going to the playoffs this year. Don't kid yourselves Oiler fans, your (my) team isn't going to be in the Stanley Cup chase either.
They are getting ready for Favre vs the Packers act 1. Check out some of the following t-shirts you can get in advance of the game.

Bring On The Noise

With the Riders being in B.C. Friday night, it meant one thing. Yes, it was time to dust off that crowd noise of the 90 CD. Whether it be Metrodome 96, Taylor Field 93, Rose Bowl 99 or whatever, there were speakers along the sideline so that the Riders could practice with simulated crowd noise.
Chris Szarka got his political campaign off on the right foot by having all the media to speak to.(even the great Wayne Mantyka showed up albeit too late)Luca Congi also had the fair share of media attention after signing a contract extension(see below). All in all, the football team is in good spirit as they head to Vancouver for Friday's game against the Lions.
Why didn't anyone ask Szarka if he'll change his number to 10 if he wins the election?

Bozak's NHL Dream Not Quite Reality Yet

Regina's Tyler Bozak had a great training camp with the Leafs including a highlight reel goal against Boston, but it wasn't good enough to keep him with the team for the start of the season. Read on......

Good Day For Luca

The Saskatchewan Roughriders have signed kicker Luca Congi to a two year and an option contract extension. Financial details of the signing were not released.

The 26-year old was drafted by the Green in White in the 2nd Round (12th overall) in the 2006 CFL Canadian Draft.

He is the current ironman with the Riders having dressed in the last 66 regular season games. The Simon Fraser product has kicked 129 field goals and 169 converts for the Riders. Now in his fourth season with the Green and White, Congi has tallied 585 points for the team.

He has been nominated as the Riders Most Outstanding Special Teams Player in each of the last three seasons and was the Riders nominee for Most Outstanding Rookie in 2006.
Congi has also earned the title of Gibson’s Finest Specials Teams Player of the Month for September.

Congi had a perfect field goal completion percentage with 12 field goals in September including the game in Winnipeg when he split the uprights six times which earned him the Specials Teams Player of the Week acknowledgement.

So far this season, the Simon Fraser product has kicked 22 field goals for an 81 completion percentage. In addition, the Waterloo native has kicked 22 converts to round out his point scoring at 100 points for the Green and White this season.

Congi joins teammate Stevie Baggs, who was the CFL Defensive Player of the Month in August.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Classy Or Tasteless?

I heard a very interesting debate while listening to my XM Satellite Radio on Tuesday. The topic was Los Angeles Angels pitcher Nick Adenhart. He was the young man killed by a drunk driver just hours after posting his first career major league win. After a game on Monday where the Angels clinched a playoff spot, they as a team went to the outfield wall where Adenhart's picture is and touched it as a salute to him. In the locker room, the team went one step further and pulled out his jersey that has sat in the dugout all season and poured beer and champagne all over it.
Most people thought it was a very touching gesture and one that symbolized that Adenhart's memory is still very much with the club. However, some thought the jersey soaking was an example of going across the line because of the alcohol involved and the fact Adenhart was killed by a drunk driver.
I don't think anyone in that clubhouse was thinking of that when they started to celebrate. They were doing with Adenhart's jersey what they would be doing if Adenhart was wearing it. Everyone was soaked in beer and champagne which is what most teams do when they celebrate. I don't think anyone had any ill will in their heart, but it did bring up an interesting 10 minutes of chatter. What do you think?
Councillor Szarka? I think its cool that Rider running back Chris Szarka is running for city council. Chris has spent his entire pro football career here and Regina has given him a lot. It shows that he wants the chance to give back and that he is ready to stay in Regina once his playing days are over. I know there are some out there that think he may call it a career at the end of this season. He may not see the ball, but he is still pretty effective in blocking. If he wins, it will be interesting to see him juggle the two careers. Good luck Zark! Is the rumour of Gene Makowsky running for the Saskparty in the next provincial election still out there? What other Riders might make good politicians?
As tough as a season as it has been for fans of the Blue Jays, you have to love what you have seen from Adam Lind. He hit three homers last night giving him 35 on the season. He is definitely someone that Toronto fans can look at as this team tries to compete in the American League East. Add Aaron Hill to that list too as he hit number 36 in the win over Boston. I really think that once the arms get healthy that Toronto can play with the Red Sox and Yankees next year. If this team can get rid of Ricciardi as GM and bring someone in who makes a couple of off-season splashes, I really, truly think 2010 could be a year for Jays fans to maybe experience post-season baseball. Of course if they trade Halladay, their chances are zero.
For those wondering how many Canadians watched the Rider-Eskimo game on Saturday, the answer is 966-thousand. That is down from the over one million that watched the game from Mosaic.
The CFL is going to play a regular season game in Moncton next year. No word on what teams will play or when. Would the Rider Nation show the Maritimes what the CFL is all about. It wouldn't surprise me. I don't know if the Maritimers would know what had hit them when Rider pride rolls through----and you know it would.
When the Philadelphia Eagles go into the Wildcat formation, do they call it "Prison Break" or "The Spread Eagle."

Recognizing Fantuz

Andy Fantuz is the 5th Rider to win a CFL player of the week award this season. Number 83 was chosen as the league's top Canadian player for his efforts in the win over Edmonton. Fantuz joins Luca Congi, Stevie Baggs, Chris Getzlaf and John Chick as weekly award winners.

C'mon Orton,C'mon Cena,C'mon Triple H, C'mon Anyone

As wrestling fans know, the WWE has been trotting out celebrity guest hosts for Monday Night Raw over the past few weeks. From Jeremy Piven to Bob Barker to Trish Stratus to the Reverend Al Sharpton. The guest host next Monday night is Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger. Roethlisberger is a good QB, but those that know me know I hate Pittsburgh and would love nothing more than to see Big Ben get squashed by "The Big Show".

BTW: Interesting ploy by Vince to have Roethlisberger hosting RAW at the same time as Favre and the Vikings meet the Packers at the Metrodome.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Brett Favre/Theoren Fleury

As I expected, Brett Favre's heroics Sunday against San Francisco is all that those who talk about the NFL could talk about on Monday. Yes, Brett Favre added yet another highlight to his already stellar career, but is it just me or has that one play erased the months-long soap opera that he orchestrated again.
Brett Favre can still play football. There is no doubting that. He can play for as long as he wants. What bothers me about Favre is his constant diva-like attitude where he always has to be in the spotlight. The guy is the definition of media whore. He needs the attention and he is relishing in every little bit of it that we are getting saturated in. If Favre wouldn't pull the act that he has pulled for the last few seasons every year, you could take him for the quarterback he is, but when you look at what he has done the past couple of off-seasons, you have to look at him in a different light.
A couple of years ago when he pulled off magic in a Monday Night win over Denver, I said Favre is one of those guys that you can't pull away from because at any moment he can do what he did on Sunday. The difference now is I don't care anymore because the greatness he has on the field has been overshadowed by his off-season behaviour. One that I'm sure will continue this year whether or not the Vikings win the Super Bowl......which is something I don't think will happen. The reason for that. The more successful the Vikings get, the more of the spotlight Favre will want and he will stop incorporating Adrian Peterson into the game plan wanting to do it himself and be the hero. Just wait.
I was not surprised to see the Flames release Theoren Fleury on Sunday, and I was not surprised to hear Fleury retire yesterday and do so in a classy manner. Being a Pats fan and an Oilers fan, I should absolutely despise Theo because of his days with the Warriors and Flames, but I can't. Theoren Fleury is perhaps the most dynamic player to ever play in the Western Hockey League. No one gave him a chance and he kept making the most of the opportunity he was given. The demon known as alcohol got to him like it has so many others, but he managed to fight those demons and win. Those that were at the Pats dinner a couple of years ago when he spoke were absolutely left speechless after his address. He delivered a message right from the heart and it is a message that stuck with many who left Queensbury that night. I still have that speech thanks to Access who burned me a copy of it.
There is only one thing left for Fleury to accomplish and that is a spot in the Hockey Hall of Fame. He said yesterday he thinks he deserves to be there and I think he does too. What hasn't Theo done in his hockey career. He didn't win a Memorial Cup, but he won everything else. World Junior, Olympic gold, Stanley Cup, Allan Cup(??). If Fleury is not put into the Hall of Fame because of his problems with alcohol, something is definitely wrong. I have had the pleasure to speak with him several times and I would love one more opportunity to say Congratulations when that day comes. He is about to release a book on his life. I haven't read a page of it, but I say right now, its a must-read and you should buy that book whether you're a hockey fan or not. It will be a terrific book because he will pour his heart and soul into it. I would expect nothing less.

Pats and Portland Swing Trade

The Regina Pats have sent a 4th round pick in the 2010 bantam draft to the Portland Winter Hawks for 18 year old forward Killian Hutt. He had 13 goals and 35 points in his rookie season with Portland last season. He is 5 foot 8 and weighs 180 pounds.

Eskimos Strengthen D

The Edmonton Eskimos have acquired defensive back Byron Parker from the Argos. Parker had just returned to Toronto after an unsuccessful tryout with the Philadelphia Eagles, but he wasn't happy upon returning because the coaching staff seemed reluctant to put him back on the field.

Best And Worst Of The Weekend

If you're a sports fan, you have to love this time of year. You have CFL, NFL, NCAA football, the WHL has started, baseball is winding down the regular season and the NHL is about ready to drop the puck. There's no shortage of sports to see. What was the best thing you saw this weekend and what was the worst? Lemme know.
For me, the best thing was seeing the resiliency of the Riders and Darian Durant. Durant bounced back from two bad interceptions in the first quarter of Saturday's win to move the football team into scoring position. He did the same thing when it was needed the most in the 4th quarter.
The worst thing was those awful uniforms the Seahawks wore and the fact their field goal kicker Olindo Mare was pathetic missing two easy ones that arguably cost them the football game.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Was That/Welcome Back Ebs

I'm all for my favourite football teams wearing green jerseys, however, this might be one of the ugliest things I have ever seen. This is what the Seahawks wore Sunday for their game against the Chicago Bears. Its beyond ugly. Did Bud Lime sponsor these things? Go back to the blue jerseys, put these one in the closet and never ever wear them again.
Nice effort by the Seahawks also----especially kicker Olindo Mare who ripped defeat away from the jaws of victory. Mare missing two big field goals resulting in a Bears win. GRRRRRR!!!!

Do you realize if it hadn't been for Brandon Stokley's miracle catch in Week 1 of the season that the Cincinnati Bengals would be 3-0! 3-0? As someone who hates the Steelers, I love seeing Pittsburgh lose to anyone, but I didn't think they would lose to Cincinnati.

Those that thought Tennessee would compete for the Super Bowl are wondering what's going on. The Titans are 0-3 after losing to the New York Jets---a New York Jets team that is 3-0. By the way go back to last year and Tennessee has now lost six straight games. Three this year, a playoff game last year and I believe their last two regular season games.

Brett Favre's home debut with the Vikings was one to remember. He hits Greg Lewis with a 32 yard touchdown on the last play of the game as Minnesota beats San Francisco to go to 3-0. Favre admitting after he doesn't even know who Lewis was and Lewis admitting after the only reason he was in the game because Percy Harvin was too tired to run another go route. How many verbal bj's will Favre get this week. Thank god John Madden is retired!!

Terrell Owens' relationship with the Bills is crumbling. T-O didn't catch a pass as Buffalo got beat by New Orleans. You have to see his post-game news conference to catch his latest act. Owens and Mike Kelly would be a great team.
Pats fans are happy tonight. The Oilers have sent Jordan Eberle back. Regina needs his offence and his leadership. They lose 4-1 at home to Saskatoon. I wasn't there, but I am told it was not a banner effort.
Tiger doesn't win the Tour Championship, but he wins the Fed Ex Cup. Should anyone be surprised by this? Speaking of Tiger, how bout this story!
I just saw Global's Derek Meyers run a piece on the Sunday night sports saying EA Sports has simulated the upcoming NHL season and they have the Hawks winning the Stanley Cup. I won't argue with that, but did I see the story right in that the Hawks beat the Islanders in the final. The Islanders?? I'm guessing that won't be happening. How in the h-e-double hockey sticks does EA Sports figure the Islanders are getting to the finals.
Windstorm?? It wasn't blowing as hard as it appeared to blow in other parts of the city in my part of the city. Breezy yes, but nothing damaging.
That's all I got. I had to put Family Guy and The Simpsons on the PVR. The same goes for "The Cleveland Show". Why Cleveland??? Wouldn't Quagmire have been a better idea for a spinoff. Giggity Giggity!!

Pats Trade Rowat

(From the Regina Pats)

The Regina Pats have traded 20 year old goaltender Linden Rowat to the Lethbridge Hurricanes in exchange for a conditional 5th round pick in the 2010 WHL Bantam Draft.
Rowat spent four season with the Regina Pats and won 85 regular season games and is the all-time shut-out leader for the club.
Regina Pats General Manager, Brent Parker, “We wish Linden nothing but the best, he is a good kid and has been a solid member of our organization on and off the ice. A fresh start for him will be good, I’m glad we got it done.”
The Pats currently have three 20 year old on the roster: Brett Leffler, Matt Delahey, and Matt Strueby.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Still In First

It wasn't the most aesthetically pleasing game of the year, but in the end, a win is a win and that is what the Saskatchewan Roughriders have for the first time this season when playing the Eskimos. Here's the Riderville story....

In a game that will never go down as a classic, the Riders got some revenge on their Western Division foes with a gritty effort that produced two points.
Say what you will about Darian Durant's performance, but when he had to, he marched this team downfield into scoring position. The stat sheet says he threw three interceptions, but the third one which bounced off Jason Armstead can't be classified as his fault.
How does a team go from having a field goal taken off the board because they have 13 men to taking a time count violation because they only have 11 guys on the field to a punt that is fumbled with the end result being a touchdown? Right then and there, you had to know the football gods were smiling on the /-S-/.
When Jamie Boreham goes back to punt, do you sit and wait to see what is going to happen? Boreham is not your conventional punter and makes those plays look far from routine.
With the exception of the long Arkee Whitlock TD, the defence shut down the Edmonton running game.
Speaking of the football gods, if they took one from Durant with that third interception, they gave it back to him with the Gerran Walker tipped catch.
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Head coach Ken Miller finds a way to get the best out of his team each and every week. Some weeks it doesn't result in a win, but this team plays its you know what off (Yes, I said "you know what" to the knob who hates that saying whether it comes from me or someone else and if you don't like it, don't come back)for their coach. Will the Riders finish first? I have no idea, but even if they don't, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see this team playing a football game in Calgary in late November and I'm not talking about the Western final.
One other thing. I was out and about before the football game today and I could not believe the amount of people wearing Rider jerseys today. I'm cool with that----when its a home game!! If you want to wear your jerseys when watching the game, that is great, I do it. However, I don't put it on many hours before the game. I love the passion, but sometimes I think it goes one or two steps too far. One thing is for sure, you always know when its game day in Regina. I wish some people would do that for Pats games.
Toronto is now officially the worst team in the CFL. They lose in Winnipeg 29-24 to the Bombers. BREAK UP THE BOMBERS!!! Did anyone watch that game after the Rider one. I didn't. I had much better things to do. I was at High Impact Wrestling(What???). Those that mock have no idea what class is---or what its like to be inside a human petting zoo as one of the degenerates at ringside beside me described it as. Those that love to people watch really need to see some of the specimens that show up. There's a thesis in there somewhere.
Congrats to the Rams. They get a big win in Vancouver beating UBC 28-17.
Many believe the Lions losing streak will end tomorrow against the Redskins. I am one of them. I am also confident of a Seahawks home win against the Bears.
The Oakland Raiders have asked CBS to remove former Raiders quarterback Rich Gannon from the broadcast crew for their game tomorrow against Denver. CBS has told the Raiders where they can put that request so the Raiders have said Gannon is not welcome at their practice facility. Hell, I'd ask him in and see if he would strap on the helmet because he's better than Jamarcus Russell or any of the other QB's on the Raiders roster.
Jordan Eberle was on a line with Fernando Pisani and Liam Reddox today at Oilers practice. If that is the case, send him back to Regina a-s-a-p. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly a Liam Reddox is?
Is it just me or do you like getting the CFL games out of the way so that your Sunday can be focussed on the NFL. I have no problem whatsoever with Friday night and Saturday doubleheaders so that the stage can be cleared for the NFL. I know many football fans who feel the same way.
The Sandra Schmirler Curling Classic is happening at the Callie. Its not curling weather yet.....its not right that a high level spiel is happening before the calendar hits October 1.
Enjoy your Sunday!!

Not Quite There Yet

Make no mistake, the Hamilton Tiger-Cats are an improved football team, but they have a ways to go before they are going to start competing with the Big Daddy in the East. The Montreal Alouettes marched into Ivor Wynne Stadium and dismantled the Tabbies 42-8. Montreal is now 4 games up on Hamilton in the East with six to play. The home team was never in it right from the start, and I'm guessing the home team found out that while playing better football this year, they aren't quite ready to wrestle the torch away from the Alouettes yet.

The other game on the night was a good one, but in the end, the Stampeders beat B-C 25-17. It means the winner of today's game in Edmonton joins Calgary atop the Western standings. The loser is tied with B-C for last in the division. If the Eskimos should win, it would mean next Friday's game in Vancouver between the Lions and Riders would be to see who stays out of the cellar. The critics will be out full force if the Riders are sitting last at this time next week.

I think the Riders will give Edmonton a good game today in front of what is said to be 54-thousand people, but I also can't help thinking the Eskimos were the better team last week and would have been victorious going away had it not been for Omarr Morgan's fumble recovery. We'll see what happens.
Theoren Fleury is going to meet the media Monday to discuss his future. This after the 41 year old was released by the Calgary Flames. Theo had a good pre-season, but coach Brent Sutter didn't think it was good enough to make the team. Is Theo going to call it quits or is he going to keep going. I'm thinking knowing Fleury's demeanour that its the latter.
The Pats didn't get going until the 2nd period was over last night and it cost them as they lost 5-4 to Moose Jaw in a game that was a little eye-glazing for about 38 minutes. The Pats finally picked up the intensity in the 3rd, but they couldn't beat Jeff Bosch on a pair of two man advantages and despite a furious effort to tie it late, they could not get the equalizer. The 4 game homestand---one in which the team is 1-2--ends Sunday against the Blades in a 6 pm start.
Ladainian Tomlinson will miss his 2nd straight game with an ankle injury. It doesn't matter. The Chargers have proven they are a better team with Darren Sproles in the lineup. Tomlinson is becoming this year's version of Shaun Alexander. It seems that in the NFL that if you're a running back and you hit 30 that it goes downhill in a big hurry for you.
A gentleman at the Pats game made my night by saying "I was the best sports guy in town". After I told him that he must have me confused with Rod Pedersen, I thanked him and he said he was serious, that no one brought the passion to the table the way I did. That's nice to hear many months later. I can't see a permanent return to the airwaves anytime soon though.
After a hiatus that was way too long, High Impact Wrestling is back. The grapplers had a show last night and they have another one tonight at the Victoria Club. If all goes well with the Rider game and delivering a story to Riderville, I will be there.....if I can find out where in the hell the Victoria Club is.
This guy that went after his team-mate with the shovel at Eskimos practice this week. Did anyone think he may have been auditioning for a RONA commercial? After all, they have one with football players holding rakes, shovels and other things as they make the field look nice?

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'd Laugh If I Wasn't Crying

Only the Cubs.....

While celebrating a come-from-behind, ninth-inning win over the San Francisco Giants on Thursday, the Chicago Cubs couldn't avoid yet another "Cubby Occurrence."
First baseman Derrek Lee scored the game-tying run ahead of Jeff Baker, whose two-out, two-strike home run off San Francisco closer Brian Wilson put the team in line for the win.
As Lee and Baker were mobbed by teammates in the dugout, relief pitcher Angel Guzman slapped the side of Lee's helmet, causing Lee to experience neck spasms that forced him to come out of the game for defense in the bottom of the ninth.
Lee has missed numerous games over the years with neck and back spasms, after initially suffering the injury in a home-plate collision in 2006.
After the game Thursday, Lee told team personnel that he'd be in the lineup Friday night, but the team's training staff could insist that he sit out a game or two.
Manager Lou Piniella coined the term "Cubby Occurrence" to explain strange happenings that may have factored into the organization going more than 100 years without winning a World Series.

Week 3 NFL Picks

I knew there was a reason why I asked for other people to submit their NFL picks besides me. Why is that. I was under 500 last week. 6-10?! I gotta pick that up this week. Anyhoo, here's the assortment of selections for Week 3 starting with the leader.

Vanstone(9-7 last wk, 23-9 overall): BALT, DET, HOUS, NE, GB, NYG, NYJ. PHIL, MIN, NO, CHI, PITTS, DEN, SD, IND, DAL

Meyers(9-7 last wk, 22-10 overall): BALT, WASH, HOUS, NE. GB, NYG, TENN, KC, MIN, NO, SEA, PITTS, DEN, SD, IND, DAL

Colhoun(8-8 last wk, 21-11 overall): BALT, WASH, HOUS, ATL, GB, NYG, TENN. PHIL, MIN, NO, CHI, PITTS, DEN, SD, IND, DAL

Jones(8-8 last wk, 21-11 overall): BALT, DET, HOUS, NE, GB, NYG, TENN, PHIL, MIN, NO, CHI, PITTS, DEN. SD, ARIZ, DAL

Mr. X(8-8 last wk, 19-13 overall): BALT, WASH, JAX, NE, GB, NYG, NYJ, PHI, MIN, NO, CHI, CIN, OAK, SD, IND, CAR

Blair(6-10 last wk, 18-14 overall):BALT, DET, HOUS, NE, GB, NYG, TENN, PHIL, MIN, NO, SEA, PITTS, DEN, SD, IND, DAL

Week 3 NFL Primer

SLIMMEST OF MARGINS: Since 2005, the NFL has played six primetime games in the first two weeks of the season. In 2009, these games have been closer than ever. The margin of victory in the six primetime games to date is only 3.3 points per game (20 total points), by far the slimmest margin in the past five years. All six games were decided by six points or fewer. The next closest margin is 9.2 points per game (2005).

Close games have been a theme for the league overall after two weeks of play, as 15 of the 32 games have been decided by six points or fewer, the second highest total in league history (17 in 2000).

-- NFL --
DOWN BUT NOT OUT: History shows that 0-2 teams advance to the playoffs more often than people might think. Since the current playoff format was instituted in 1990, 22 teams started 0-2 and still qualified for the postseason.

The 1993 Dallas Cowboys started 0-2 before winning Super Bowl XXVIII. The 0-2 New England Patriots of 1996 played in Super Bowl XXXI, and in 2001, the 0-2 Patriots won Super Bowl XXXVI. Most recently, the 2007 New York Giants started 0-2 before winning Super Bowl XLII.

Following are the 0-2 teams since 1990 to qualify for the playoffs:

Houston Oilers (0-2)
Wild Card Playoffs

Philadelphia Eagles (0-2)
Wild Card Playoffs

New Orleans Saints (0-2)
Wild Card Playoffs
Atlanta Falcons (0-2)
Wild Card Playoffs
San Diego Chargers (0-4)
Divisional Playoffs
Pittsburgh Steelers (0-2)
Wild Card Playoffs

Dallas Cowboys (0-2)
Won Super Bowl XXVIII
New England Patriots (0-2)
Wild Card Playoffs
Detroit Lions (0-3)
Wild Card Playoffs
New England Patriots (0-2)
Lost Super Bowl XXXI
Arizona Cardinals (0-2)
Divisional Playoffs

Buffalo Bills (0-3)
Wild Card Playoffs

New York Jets (0-2)
Championship Game
New England Patriots (0-2)
Won Super Bowl XXXVI
Atlanta Falcons (0-2)
Divisional Playoffs

Pittsburgh Steelers (0-2)
Divisional Playoffs
Philadelphia Eagles (0-2)
Championship Game
Kansas City Chiefs (0-2)
Wild Card Playoffs
New York Giants (0-2)
Won Super Bowl XLII
Miami Dolphins (0-2)
Wild Card Playoffs

Minnesota Vikings (0-2)
Wild Card Playoffs

San Diego Chargers (0-2)
Divisional Playoffs

-- NFL --
MVP MATCHUP: Super Bowl XLI MVP and reigning AP NFL MVP PEYTON MANNING (three-time winner; 2003-04, 2008) of the Indianapolis Colts will face Super Bowl XXXIV MVP and two-time AP NFL MVP KURT WARNER (1999, 2001) of the Arizona Cardinals on Sunday night. It marks the first-ever meeting of multiple-regular-season MVP and Super Bowl MVP quarterbacks in NFL history. This game will also mark just the fourth instance of multiple-MVP quarterbacks facing off in NFL history.

The meetings between multiple-MVP quarterbacks:

Green Bay Packers (Brett Favre) vs. San Francisco 49ers (Steve Young)
Packers 36, 49ers 22
Green Bay Packers (Brett Favre) vs. New York Giants (Kurt Warner)
Giants 14, Packers 7
New York Jets (Brett Favre) vs. Arizona Cardinals (Kurt Warner)
Jets 56, Cardinals 35
Indianapolis Colts (Peyton Manning) vs. Arizona Cardinals (Kurt Warner)

-- NFL --
EL REY DE NUEVA YORK: With a win on Sunday against Tennessee, New York Jets rookie quarterback MARK SANCHEZ would become the first rookie quarterback to start and win his team’s first three games of a season. Sanchez is only the fourth quarterback in the past 40 years to win his first two starts of a season, and the second in as many years (JOE FLACCO, Baltimore).

The rookie quarterbacks to win their team’s first two games in a season:

John Elway, Denver
L 13-10 vs. Philadelphia
Ryan Leaf, San Diego
L 23-7 at Kansas City
Joe Flacco, Baltimore
L 23-20 at Pittsburgh (OT)
Mark Sanchez, New York Jets

The Jets are seeking their second consecutive win against Tennessee, who started 10-0 in 2008 until the Jets earned a 34-13 win at LP Field in Week 12.

This meeting will mark just the fifth game since 1970 in which a club that handed a 10-0 or better team its first defeat of a season will face them again in the subsequent season:

1969 Los Angeles Rams, 11-0
10/26/1970: Minnesota 13, L.A. Rams 3
1990 San Francisco, 10-0
Los Angeles Rams
11/25/1991: San Francisco 33, L.A. Rams 10
1990 New York Giants, 10-0
11/04/1991: Philadelphia 30, N.Y. Giants 7
1991 Washington, 11-0
09/07/1992: Dallas 23, Washington 10
2008 Tennessee, 10-0
New York Jets
09/27/2009: ???

-- NFL --

UNDRAFTED BUT NOT UNDERAPPRECIATED: Pittsburgh Steelers running back WILLIE PARKER went undrafted out of North Carolina but has rushed for over 5,000 yards, good for third in Steelers’ history. With 84 rushing yards at Cincinnati on Sunday, Parker will move into third-place all-time among undrafted NFL rushers. Pro Football Hall of Famer JOE PERRY is the all-time leader in rushing yards for an undrafted player with 8,378 yards.

The most rushing yards for an undrafted player in NFL history:

Joe Perry, San Francisco-Baltimore
Priest Holmes, Baltimore-Kansas City
Clem Daniels, Dallas-Oakland-San Francisco
Willie Parker, Pittsburgh
Paul Lowe, Los Angeles-San Diego-Kansas City
* Active
-- NFL --

HINES CATCH-UP: Steelers wide receiver HINES WARD (9,940) needs 60 receiving yards on Sunday to join the exclusive 10,000 receiving yards club. Ward, who has 814 career receptions, would become just the 21st player in NFL history to record 800 receptions and 10,000 receiving yards in a career.

-- NFL --
ODOM-ETER HITS 7: Cincinnati Bengals defensive end ANTWAN ODOM leads the league in sacks with seven, powered by a two-sack effort on Kickoff Weekend against the Broncos and a franchise-record five-sack output in Green Bay. Odom needs 1.5 sacks on Sunday against the Steelers to set the NFL record for most sacks through a team’s first three games of a season. The Bengals franchise record for sacks in a season is 13 (EDDIE EDWARDS, 1983).

Mark Gastineau, New York Jets
Bill Gay, Detroit
Michael Sinclair, Seattle
Derrick Thomas, Kansas City
Kevin Greene, Carolina
Antwan Odom, Cincinnati
* Through two games

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Get Winnipeg Back In The NHL/CFL Week 13 Picks

Watching the Oilers-Lightning game on TSN last night from Winnipeg just proved to me that the NHL needs to return to the Manitoba capital. I've heard people say this and say that about why it won't happen, but really, would hockey in Winnipeg succeed more than it has in places like Phoenix, Miami, Nashville, etc. etc. etc. It could be done. I am of firm belief of that. With the frenzy that Canadians have over hockey---especially those in Winnipeg---it would survive. Watching that game last night, I'm guessing Rick Tocchet didn't need to see who his 3rd and 4th line guys would be like they did in Regina as all the top guns played. Enough of that!
Kent Austin got a lot of props, he got a lot of camera shots sitting in the press box, but his offence sputtered and sputtered badly as South Carolina upset Ole Miss in NCAA football action Thursday night. I have to question the sanity of some of those who root for the South Carolina squad. The team is known as the Gamecocks and several times throughout the game, you could see fans wearing hats or sweatshirts with the word "COCKS" written on it. I think you know where I'm going with this.
A lot of debate on Wayne Gretzky's future and whether or not he will be an NHL coach again. My two cents is that Wayne will not be back behind a bench again because like it or not, he showed he can play the game, but not coach it. However, Wayne will have work again with an NHL team or with Hockey Canada. Has his reputation been tarnished from all of this. When I think of Wayne, I think of his time on the ice and not off of it, so no his reputation has not been tarnished as far as I'm concerned.
Lets go to the CFL and two games will kick off Week 13. I go into the week with a record of 27-17 after a 3-1 week that could have been 4-0 had it not been for those last second heroics by Ricky Ray. What happens this week----here ya go.


The Ti-Cats have improved and yes, they have a chance at toppling the Alouettes as Eastern Division champions. This game will be a measuring stick for both. Hamilton will find out just how good they are by having the Alouettes at home in what is the first meaningful game at Ivor Wynne Stadium in late September in a long time while Montreal will see just how much of a challenge their division rivals are. This game is in Hamilton and it will be a good one, but I see Montreal winning in a close one---perhaps on a last play Damon Duval field goal.


Rider coach Ken Miller said during his Thursday chat with the media that he wouldn't bet on CFL games because anyone can beat anyone. Darian Durant said the difference between the four teams in the west is execution and who can do what they want to the best because that will be what decides who finishes first and who finishes last. With the Lions having problems at the quarterback position because of injury, I have to take Calgary here.


The Eskimos have won two games at Mosaic that they maybe should not have won. The Riders go into a place where they don't win very often. Everything looks to say an Eskimo win. I should take an Edmonton win here, but for some reason I think the Riders pull one off like they did in Calgary this year. Miller will have his men ready for this one and it is so tough to beat a team three times in the regular season. I go with the Riders here.


Do I have to pick this game? Does anyone care about this game? I'm guessing people will be grabbing their remote hoping to see if Hockey Night in Canada is on. When that doesn't happen, they will take their wives or significant others out for supper or a movie and spend some quality time with them instead of having to watch the tripe we will see. If Bishop is quarterbacking Winnipeg, I take Toronto!

Reggie Hunt Re-Surfaces

Reggie Hunt has another football team to play for. He has signed a deal with the Eskimos. I'm guessing he won't be playing Saturday.
No surprise here, Wayne Gretzky is no longer the coach of the Phoenix Coyotes.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nice Debut

The Regina Pats have their first win of the year thanks to a 3-2 shootout win over the Saskatoon Blades. I'm guessing 17 year old goalie Dawson Guhle will wake up with a big smile this morning after earning his first WHL win. Guhle, who inexplicably wasn't named the game's first star, got the call because of a groin injury to Damien Ketlo, and he answered the call. Guhle stopped 29 of 32 shots including a pair in the shootout to get the win. He was particularly impressive in the first period when he stopped 14 shots---many of them coming on Saskatoon power plays. Guhle was also helped by the return of both Colten Teubert and Matt Delahey who strengthened the blueline.
Those in attendance had to like what they saw from the home team who worked their you know what off to get the win. The one thing I noticed that I didn't notice at the end of last year---guys were blocking shots again. They were willing to pay the price to win. That's something that wasn't happening last year, but its a message Curtis Hunt has obviously re-installed in them.
Matt Strueby had a pair for Regina as he battles Mitch Czibere(a scratch) for who will be the 3rd 20 year old alongside Brett Leffler and Delahey. Garrett Mitchell left with a wrist injury after taking a shot in the first period.
Other thoughts from the game.....
---love the new jerseys, but I don't like the red helmets. It doesn't look right with the blue unis. Perhaps with the white ones on. Obviously, it would work if they are wearing a red jersey.
--love the new seats in the Brandt Centre. I can't wait for a night when those seats are full with people cheering on their Pats. Hopefully that happens sooner than later.
--sitting beside my colour man on Access 7 broadcasts Kelly Remple, I can't understand why the Moose Jaw boy isn't running for mayor of Moose Jaw. For those that know Kelly, just imagine that for a while......

---wondering if seeing Jordan Eberle's mug during the national anthem if whether or not that will be the only time Pats fans see Eberle's mug at the Brandt Centre this year.
--I realize it was 30 plus degrees outside, but not having 4-thousand in attendance is a little disappointing. Its early though.
The PGA Tour Championship starts today with the Fed Ex Cup at stake. Its very confusing to determine who will win the Cup. ESPN's Bob Harig tries to explain....
Note to Tiger Woods: Just win to avoid any debate or controversy.
What does my TV have on it tonight. Is it watching Ole Miss play South Carolina in US college football as we see Kent Austin's offence on display or is it watching Jordan Eberle in an Oilers uniform as they take on Tampa in Winnipeg. I hope the Lightning don't dress Lecavalier, Stamkos, Hedman, etc, etc for that one.
Its nice seeing the calendar and seeing jean skirts are still out and about. Guys, you know what I mean. Yes you do!!

Would Ken Miller Do This??

I'll give this guy credit for having one large set of onions if you know what I mean.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Manning The Middle Again

It looks like the Riders will have middle linebacker Rey Williams back in the lineup for Saturday's game in Edmonton. Williams has missed the past five games with a knee injury. In order to get him back on the lineup, the team will have to take him off the nine game injury list early.
Head coach Ken Miller adds Jason Clermont will likely once again be a part of the 42 man roster for the rematch against the Eskimos. Clermont will probably take the place of Neal Hughes. He suffered a quad injury and is doubtful at this time.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Really, Is There No One Better?

Give Saskatchewan Roughriders GM Eric Tillman some credit, he seems to be the only guy who is willing to bring in some quarterbacks with impressive college resumes. Since taking his position with the Riders, he has brought in former Iowa standout Drew Tate and Texas Tech's Graham Harrell. He has former Missouri standout Chase Daniel on the negotiation list. The same goes for Kansas' Todd Reesing and Boise State's Kellen Moore.
I have to wonder what type of quarterbacks the other teams have on their neg lists---especially the B.C. Lions. Yes, the Lions have reached desperation stage because they are bringing Casey Printers back to the league. The same Casey Printers that failed miserably in Hamilton and the same Casey Printers that hasn't been the same since he tried his luck in the NFL. Isn't it time for CFL teams to start trying out some younger blood at the quarterback position? Isn't it time for them to start developing a QB like what the Riders are doing with Darian Durant? Yes. Jarious Jackson is hurt and Buck Pierce is one hit away from ending up like Dave Dickinson, but I really have to wonder why the Lions are going to the recycling bin.
I'm glad I didn't spend the money to watch the Ottawa Senators play the Tampa Bay Lightning's B team. The Lightning were the team that wanted to come to Regina to play last night's pre-season game. They were the squad that should have been dressing their regulars. I don't care what Rick Tocchet says, the bottom line here is if you are willing to bring your team to Regina or anywhere that doesn't have NHL hockey, you should be showcasing your best players. Why should fans be paying the money they were to see hockey that isn't NHL calibre. Give the Senators a lot of credit for playing guys like Spezza, Fisher and Kovalev when they didn't have to, but I feel the Lightning were obligated to show Reginans who paid their money to see guys like Lecavalier, Stamkos, St. Louis and Hedman. Play your B team when in Tampa guys because people here will remember if you plan on coming back next year. I can't be too mad at the Lightning though. After all, it was them that beat Calgary and prevented the Flames from winning the Cup. The NHL was so screwed up after realizing Calgary was one game away from winning it all that they had to take a year off to get things right again.
Quite the performance by Peyton Manning and the Colts. They had the ball for less than 15 minutes but they beat the Dolphins 27-23 in the NFL Monday niter. 99 times out of 100 if you have the ball for less than 15 minutes, you don't win and you don't come close to winning. They only had 35 plays in the entire game. Talk about being efficient with your chances.
A plug for a new sports magazine that is trying to get off the ground. It is run by former Leader-Post writer Julie Folk and its called Adrenaline Sports. The website is Check it out. Julie may have something big on her hands with this. After all, there is no better sports city in Canada than Regina. Yeah, I might be a little biased with that statement, but its true.
Dave King has been hired by the Phoenix Coyotes. I think we've seen the last of Wayne Gretzky in that organization.
Do Canadians love the CFL? They sure do when the Riders are playing the Eskimos. 1.13 million Canadians took in Sunday's game from Mosaic Stadium on TSN. That figure is simply incredible when you consider it was just a regular-season game. I'm thinking with the Riders in Edmonton this Saturday that that figure could be eclipsed. I'll be watching! I'm also thinking that as the games start to have more and more meaning that more and more Canadians will be tuning in. The marriage between TSN and the CFL is definitely working and one would have to think everyone involved is smiling.

Are You A Sports Doofus??

Somewhere in here is something you are guilty of. Read on and then admit it....

Best And Worst Of The Weekend

What was the best thing you saw this weekend on the sporting stage and what was the worst thing?
For me, the best thing was seeing the Giants beat the Cowboys to spoil the home opening of Dallas' new stadium. Anytime the Cowboys lose and they show Jerry Jones in a state of disbelief is money to me. HA HA
The worst-----if you're a Rider fan, I think you know. Maurice Mann's TD catch with 90 seconds to go.

Lemme know what yours were.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

CFL Fans Win, Rider Fans Don't

Everywhere you go this morning you will hear about how the Edmonton Eskimos came back in the final seconds to steal one from the Riders. Yes, the green and white should probably be alone in first place this morning with a record of 7-4, but they are not. Ricky Ray capped off a very impressive afternoon by hitting a wide open Maurice Mann to grab a victory---a victory that was just about taken away from them as the Riders drove inside the 20 before running out of time.
Yes, to someone who bleeds green it was a tough day, but for fans of the CFL, it was a great game and it was one that was quite enjoyable. It was as enjoyable as when Ray connected with Fred Stamps on the last play of the game to give Edmonton a win over Calgary---a game that pleased Rider fans to no end. It was as enjoyable as Darian Durant's bomb to Chris Getzlaf in Calgary that gave the Riders a win---again a game that pleased Rider fans to no end. What I'm saying is sometimes you get the break at the end of the game and sometimes you don't. You can't win every game (see 2007 New England Patriots) but you try and give those in the stands and watching on TV an enjoyable afternoon and yes, the Riders and Eskimos did give us that on Sunday afternoon.
What are your thoughts on the Calgary-Winnipeg trade? First off, credit John Hufnagel for restocking his receiving cupboard. With Ken-Yon Rambo done for the year and Ryan Thelwell seeing his season end Friday, Hufnagel had to go out and find what he felt was an experienced receiver---he gets that in Romby Bryant. I haven't seen a lot of Arjei Franklin much like I haven't seen a lot of Titus Ryan or Jabari Arthur when it comes to catching the football. Odell Willis started the season with a bang for Calgary so Winnipeg gets what looks to be a good young linebacker(Bye Barrin Simpson). Calgary likely wins this deal short-term, but the Bombers may get the advantage long-term.
The more I try to understand the NFL, the more it confuses me. The Bears beat the Steelers?? The Bengals beat the Packers? The Texans over the Titans? The one thing that did please me was the Sunday night game. "The Dallas Palace" or "Jerryworld" or whatever you want to call it got christened with Jerry Jones seeing his beloved Cowboys go down to defeat with his quarterback stinking out the joint. I hate Jones and make no apologies about doing so. I love it when the TV cameras show him when his team in losing as he wipes that intolerant smugness off his face. Then there is Romo who in my mind is the most over-rated QB in the NFL. Everyone looks at him because he is quarterback of the Cowboys. If he was quarterback of the Browns, Jaguars, Buccaneers, etc. etc, he would be just another average quarterback. He also comes across as one smug s-o-b, so its nice to see him get his too.
It looked like the Oilers and Islanders gave people in Saskatoon more of an NHL game with NHL players than what the Flames and Islanders delivered Saturday. It is rather shameful that Calgary didn't come with guys like Fleury, Iginla, Kiprusoff and Phaneuf, especially when they want to corner the Saskatchewan market. It will be interesting to see who Ottawa and Tampa dresses tonight when the two teams meet at the Brandt Centre. Seeing Lecavalier will be alright for me as I think he is one of the top 10 players in the NHL.
Good news for the Pats as they get word that Colten Teubert is coming back from L-A. With Teubert and Matt Delahey back, it certainly strengthens the back-end. I do think Teubert will have a much better season than last--especially the second half. He was the whipping boy last season---and for good reason, but I think he is going to rebound this year and emerge as one of the top blueliners in the WHL. He had better do so for his sake. With Delahey, Teubert and Garrett Mitchell back, it just asks whether or not Jordan Eberle will return from Edmonton. I think he will, but there is no certainty of it. Is he one of Edmonton's top 6 forwards now. If he is, he stays. If not, he's back here.
TSN's first top 1o list of eligible draft players was released this week as the three leagues started and it was interesting to see Prince George's Brett Connolly 5th. Connolly and Jordan Weal were the two best rooks in the WHL last year. Connolly won the rookie of the year award last year beating Weal in the final balloting. Prince George wasn't here last year so I have to ask "Is Connolly that much better than Weal?"
The Thunder clinch a playoff spot. They beat the Winnipeg Rifles 52-19 to improve to 4-2.
Have a great Monday!


Well that sucked! It looked the Riders were going to be alone in first place, but Ricky Ray had other ideas. Say what you will about this game, but one has to give credit and a lot of it to the Edmonton quarterback. He was downright surgical this afternoon in picking apart that Saskatchewan defence. At one point, he was 20-20 and just two passes away from tying the CFL record for most consecutive passes completed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the only deep ball he threw was the one at the end when Maurice Mann ran right by Omarr Morgan who bit on a double move thinking Mann was just going to try for the first down so they could move the sticks.
Morgan goes from hero to goat in a short time frame. This game could have been over in the 3rd quarter and likely would have been if Arkee Whitlock scores to make it 28-9, but Jerrell Freeman strips the ball from Whitlock and Morgan takes it a CFL record 108 yards back to make it 21-16.
No one said it was going to be easy and now instead of being alone in first, the Riders are in a three way tie for first. Regardless what happens next Saturday at Commonwealth, the Riders have lost the season series to Edmonton meaning they get the tiebreaker and that could very well spell the difference between being at home in the playoffs or being on the road. All in all, its a frustrating day to be a Rider fan---unless of course you are one of those that secretly delight in defeat because it gives you a chance to crow about negative after negative. There isn't anyone like that is there.....NAHHHHH!!!! Line 1 you're on the air......

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wally Gets The Record

Rider fans aren't fond of Lions coach Wally Buono. I understand that. I also think Rider fans should salute Wally today because he now owns the CFL record for most coaching wins in a career. Number 232 came Saturday night as the Lions beat Toronto. I don't care if its the NFL or the CFL, winning 232 games is an impressive feat. Yes, he has had good teams to work with, but good teams need a good coach and you have to admit Wally is one of those. Congrats Wally!
Ken Miller looks for win number 19 today as the Riders meet the Eskimos in a 2 o'clock start at what will be a relatively cool Mosaic Stadium. Who's kidding who after what we saw Saturday anything will be cooler. It seems to me that the Riders remember blowing that 22 point lead to the Eskimos earlier this year and that they have no plans of repeating that performance. They want to let Edmonton know that win was a fluke and that the Eskimos will not win twice on Mosaic Stadium turf. There is a quiet aura of confidence floating around Riderville right now. Some have suggested that perhaps there is something special brewing, some more will be thinking that if the Riders are sitting alone in first at this time tomorrow. I say they win this one by 12.
You have to love US College Football---especially when one of the kingpins gets upset on the road. Such was the case Saturday as USC was beaten in Seattle by the University of Washington---a Huskies team led by former Rider quarterback Steve Sarkisian. When the game was over, the stadium erupted with fans flooding the field and seemingly behaving themselves. I love seeing that. There's such a level of excitement there amongst the student body and as long as they don't get stupid, I have no problems with it. As for Sarkisian, I'm guessing he won't have to pay for a drink or a meal in Seattle anytime soon. I don't think he liked his time here. I tried getting him for an interview as has several media members here, but he doesn't want to talk about his time here. When he was here I didn't think he had a problem with anyone and I thought he was treated pretty well. I guess he didn't feel that way.
The Pats opened up their home sked, but they are still looking for their first goal on Brandt Centre ice. The Pats are now 0-2 after losing 3-0 to Brandon. The team learned after the game that Matt Delahey was on his way back from New Jersey camp. With just one goal in two games, I'm wondering if Brent Parker is calling the Oilers to see what's up with Jordan Eberle. He should be, but then again he might not like the answer he gets.
I didn't see UFC 103 on Saturday night, but if you want a recap....
I didn't watch Floyd "Money" Mayweather do his thing either. The boxing world might find out how much they are losing to MMA within the next couple of days. I'm guessing there were more buys for the UFC event---one that wasn't even a marquee card--than there was for the Mayweather bout. It's just another sign that boxing is in trouble.
I wonder how those who paid $$$ for the Islanders-Flames game in Saskatoon are feeling. Both teams fielded American Hockey League rosters in a 4-2 win. Guys like Fleury, Kiprusoff and Phaneuf didn't play for Calgary which I'm sure disappointed many who went to the game. I can't find a gamesheet, but it looks like John Tavares did not play for the Islanders which had to be disappointing as well. Sorry, if I'm going to go to an NHL game and pay big dollars for it, I'm going to a regular season game where I know I will see the guys I paid to see. While I hope the Oilers bring their regulars to Saskatoon tonight, don't be surprised if they don't.
Enjoy the Rider game and Week 2 of the NFL season. GO SEAHAWKS! GO RIDERS!

Who Has The Most??

Wondering what school has the most players represented when it comes to the opening day NFL rosters. Wonder no more...

Louisiana State and Miami are the schools with the most players on NFL Kickoff 2009 rosters – with 41 each – the NFL announced today. This marks the fourth consecutive season that Miami has had at least a share of the league lead. Miami had the most players on NFL Kickoff rosters in each of the past three seasons – 44 in 2008, 46 in 2007 and 42 in 2006. Louisiana State ranked sixth last year with 35 players on NFL Kickoff rosters.

A total of 250 colleges were represented on Kickoff 2009 Weekend rosters.

On NFL Kickoff rosters, there were 296 players weighing 200 pounds or less, 311 players under six feet tall, and 370 players weighing at least 300 pounds.

Philadelphia has 14 players weighing 200 pounds or less, the league’s highest total in that category. Atlanta and Pittsburgh tied for the most players under six-feet tall with 15. Dallas has 16 players weighing 300 pounds or more, the most in the league.
Since when does summer hit in September. 34 degrees in Regina?? Where was this in July!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Someone In Saskatchewan Is Having A $uper Weekend

The last Super 7 draw is one that someone in Saskatchewan will remember. The Western Canada Lottery Corporation says the winning ticket worth nearly 24 million dollars was sold in our province. Check your tickets! If it has 5,8,10,13,22,36 and 47, remember who your favourite blogger is. I can't imagine what it would be like to start the weekend by finding out you have just won 24 million dollars. If that person is reading this and he or she is going to the Riders game, let someone else have a share of the wealth and don't buy a 50-50 ticket. Let someone else win the prize---don't be greedy! Oh yeah, one other thing. Congratulations!!
It never bothers me seeing the Calgary Stampeders go down to defeat and that is what they did Friday night. Hamilton shook off a bad first half as they beat the Stamps 24-17. It means a Riders win Sunday afternoon and they will be alone in first place after 11 weeks of the season. Didja know that the Riders have been in first either by themselves or tied after 10 weeks for the last three years. I didn't until Rob Vanstone told me today. So to those Ken Miller detractors, I ask...why do you want this man replaced? Have you noticed how those detractors have crawled back into the woodwork the past couple of weeks. I'm guessing they will be back out after the next loss because they love nothing more than to complain.
If you didn't see it Friday night, TSN's Brian Williams had an outstanding feature on University of Regina Rams quarterback Marc Mueller. You know Mueller is the grandson of Ron Lancaster and he was profiled on the one year anniversary of Ronnie's death. This is a must-see watch.....
If Ronnie was watching from above last nite, he might have been cringing because it wasn't the best night for Mueller and the Rams. They were crushed at home 41-15 by the University of Calgary. The Rams are now 1-2 on the season, but its said those two losses have come against the conference's two best teams---the Dinos and the U of S. They'll be fine.
Congrats to the Plaza of Honor inductees---especially long time equipment man Norm Fong. You won't find a better person than Normie and I was very happy to see him get the distinction. That is a man who should write a book on what he has seen over his many years on the job. Oh, the stories he could tell.
The Pats start the 2009-2010 season with a loss as they fall 5-1 in Saskatoon. Travis Toomey with a pair for the winners. Matt Strueby had the only Regina goal. Brandon is at the Brandt Centre tonight....its a depleted Wheat Kings team as their best players like Brayden Schenn and Scott Glennie are still in NHL camps so its a chance for Curtis Hunt's crew to rebound by taking advantage of a team that is not at full strength. Game time at the Brandt Centre is 7. I would love to be there...alas, I have other plans. OK, my wife does meaning I have to babysit. Perhaps Annika should come to the hockey game with her daddy. Oh that will be happening this year---that's for sure.
Phil Kessel is a Toronto Maple Leaf and I think Brian Burke has paid too much to get him. They are giving up a first round pick in 2010 and 2011 and a second round pick in 2010. Kessel gives the Leafs some instant firepower, but is he worth a pair of first rounders and a second. I don't know. I'm still of the belief the Leafs don't make the playoffs this year and if that's the case, the Bruins come out smelling like roses.
Dion Phaneuf is taking some heat for laying out Kyle Okposo of the Islanders during a pre-season game Thursday night. I don't care if its exhibition or not, you play the game and impress the coaches with what you can do. Everyone knows Phaneuf can hit and if anyone forgot, he proved it. Dion didn't have a great year last season(OK he did because he is with Elisha Cuthbert)and he's ready to show the league that he's back. Here's some advice to the NHL---Keep your head up when playing Calgary.
Good on Sidney Crosby for questioning what happened to Paul Kelly. Like him or not, Sid is one of the posterboys for this league and he wants to know what the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on. He is taking on a leadership role league-wide and I applaud him for that. Its now time to hear what Mr. Ovechkin is thinking.
If you're a golfer, you will either love this story or hate it. I think I'm in the latter category having never had a hole in one....OK, I had one in Tiger Woods golf a couple of years ago but thats it.

Week 2 NFL Picks

I'm not alone in giving picks. The Leader-Post's Rob Vanstone, CTV's Lee (Don't call me Kitwana) Jones, Global's Derek(Duke is my daddy)Meyers, CJTR's(Regina Community Radio) and Regina's biggest F1 fan--Keith Colhoun and the man simply known as Mr. X are joining me. After one week of picks--straight up, no spread. It stands like this

Vanstone 14-2

Colhoun 13-3

Meyers 13-3

Jones 13-3

Blair 12-4

X 11-5

The week 2 games are

Carolina @ Atlanta
Minnesota @ Detroit
Cincinnati @ Green Bay
Arizona @ Jacksonville
Oakland @ Kansas City
New England @ NY Jets
New Orleans @ Philadelphia
Houston @ Tennessee
St. Louis @ Washington
Tampa Bay @ Buffalo
Seattle @ San Francisco
Pittsburgh @ Chicago
Cleveland @ Denver
Baltimore @ San Diego
NY Giants @ Dallas
Indianapolis @ Miami

The Week 2 selections are







Week 2 NFL Primer


NO NEED TO PANIC: At the end of Week 2, no more than 11 teams will be able to claim a perfect 2-0 record, leaving at least 21 clubs at 1-1 or 0-2.

Since realignment in 2002, 48 of the 84 playoff teams (57.1 percent) began the year at either 1-1 or 0-2. Four of the past eight Super Bowl champions began their seasons with a 1-1 or 0-2 record.

A look at how playoff clubs in 2007 and 2008 began their seasons:

2007 2008

After 2 games
Playoff Result

After 2 games
Playoff Result
Advanced to Divisional

Advanced to Super Bowl XLIII
Green Bay
Advanced to Conf. Champ.

Advanced to Wild Card
Advanced to Divisional

Advanced to Conf. Champ.
Advanced to Divisional

Advanced to Divisional
New England
Advanced to Super Bowl XLII

Advanced to Wild Card
N.Y. Giants
Won Super Bowl XLII

Advanced to Wild Card
Advanced to Wild Card

Advanced to Wild Card
Advanced to Divisional

N.Y. Giants
Advanced to Divisional
San Diego
Advanced to Conf. Champ.

Advanced to Conf. Champ.
Tampa Bay
Advanced to Wild Card

Won Super Bowl XLIII
Advanced to Wild Card

San Diego
Advanced to Divisional
Advanced to Wild Card

Advanced to Divisional

-- NFL --

A VERY BRADY WIN STREAK: With a victory on Sunday over the New York Jets, New England Patriots quarterback TOM BRADY will match Chicago’s JIM MC MAHON for the longest streak of consecutive regular-season wins by a quarterback in the Super Bowl era (since 1966) with 22.

Brady also had a separate streak of 18 consecutive regular-season wins that spanned from 2003 into the 2004 season, which is the third-longest in NFL annals.

Brady’s current win streak began with a 23-16 win over Houston on 12/17/06.

The longest regular-season winning streaks by NFL quarterbacks in the Super Bowl era (since 1966):

Jim McMahon, Chicago
Tom Brady, New England
Tom Brady, New England
Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh
Many Tied

* Active streak

-- NFL --

TOMLIN’S TEAMS START FAST: With a win over the Bears in Week 2, MIKE TOMLIN of the Pittsburgh Steelers (1-0) can become the third head coach of the Super Bowl era (since 1966) to lead his team to 2-0 starts in the first three years of his head-coaching career.

Pro Football Hall of Fame head coach GEORGE ALLEN led the Los Angeles Rams to 2-0 starts in all five of his seasons with the club (1966-1970). When Allen took over in 1971 as head coach in Washington, he also led the Redskins to 2-0 starts in ’71 and ’72, giving him an NFL-record seven consecutive 2-0 starts to begin his career. BUM PHILLIPS (1975-77) also led the Houston Oilers to three straight 2-0 starts in his first stint as an NFL head coach.

-- NFL --

MANNING MOVES UP: With a victory Monday night over the Miami Dolphins, PEYTON MANNING of the Indianapolis Colts will match JOHNNY UNITAS for fifth place on the NFL’s all-time list for wins by a quarterback.

Manning, who earned his 118th career win on Kickoff Weekend, has already matched Unitas’ franchise record in the category. One of Unitas’ 119 career wins came as a member of the San Diego Chargers during his final season.

The most wins by a starting quarterback in NFL history:

Brett Favre **
John Elway *
Dan Marino *
Fran Tarkenton *
Johnny Unitas *
Peyton Manning **
* In Pro Football Hall of Fame; ** Active

-- NFL --

200 AND COUNTING: New England’s TOM BRADY (199) and Philadelphia’s DONOVAN MC NABB (196) are both approaching 200 career touchdown passes. If both players reach 200 on Sunday, it will be the first time in NFL history that two players achieve the benchmark on the same weekend.

With one more touchdown, Brady will reach 200 touchdown passes in his 115th career game, placing him fourth on the list for the fewest games played to reach the milestone.

The quarterbacks who reached 200 touchdown passes in the fewest games:

Dan Marino
Peyton Manning
Brett Favre
Johnny Unitas
Jim Kelly

Tom Brady
114 *
* 199 career TD passes

-- NFL --

FABULOUS AT 50: Since joining the New Orleans Saints in 2006, quarterback DREW BREES has passed for 14,268 yards (291.2 per game) in his first 49 games with the club. Brees’ total already ranks as the most passing yards of any player in his first 50 games with a new team (rookies and veterans) in NFL history.

Brees can extend his record when he plays in his 50th game with New Orleans when the Saints visit the Philadelphia Eagles in Week 2.

The quarterbacks with the most passing yards in their first 50 games with a new team:

Drew Brees, New Orleans
14,268 *
Kurt Warner, St. Louis
Marc Bulger, St. Louis
Dan Marino, Miami
Peyton Manning, Indianapolis
* Through 49 games

BREAKING IN NEW DIGS: Nineteen teams have opened new NFL stadiums since 1992. In the first regular-season game at each of those facilities, the home team has an 11-8 record (.579).

The Dallas Cowboys will play their first regular-season home game at Cowboys Stadium in primetime this Sunday night against the divisional rival New York Giants.

Here’s a look at the regular-season openers at each of the NFL’s 19 newly-constructed stadiums since 1992:

Cowboys Stadium
N.Y. Giants
Lucas Oil Stadium
L 29-13
University of Phoenix Stadium
San Francisco
W 34-27
Lincoln Financial Field
Tampa Bay
L 17-0
Ford Field
Green Bay
L 37-31
Qwest Field
L 24-13
New England
Gillette Stadium
W 30-14
Reliant Stadium
W 19-10
Heinz Field
W 16-7
INVESCO Field at Mile High
N.Y. Giants
W 31-20
Paul Brown Stadium
L 24-7
Cleveland Browns Stadium
L 43-0
LP Field
W 36-35
Tampa Bay
Raymond James Stadium
W 27-15
M&T Bank Stadium
L 20-13
W 19-13 (OT)
Bank of America Stadium
W 29-6
St. Louis
Edward Jones Dome
W 28-17
Jacksonville Municipal Stadium
Houston Oilers
L 10-3
Georgia Dome
N.Y. Jets
W 20-17

CFL Picks Wk 12/Ronnie One Year Later

Another 2-2 week has me at 24-16 going into Week 12 of the CFL season. What does the crystal ball say about this week. Here goes.


This game intrigues me. Is Calgary starting to get on the roll that they did last year? Are the defending Grey Cup champs back? They still don't look like the team that won it all last year, but they are starting to show signs that they have their game back. The Ti-Cats have to be kicking themselves after losing in Toronto last Friday night. There is no doubt Hamilton is a better football team than in previous years, but a loss tonight and they are below 500 as they will be 5-6. Calgary usually has problems in Hamilton. I will take the Ti-Cats here, but I'm not secure in making that selection.


Yes, the Argos won a game last week. Yes, Cody Pickett has looked alright at quarterback. Yes, the Lions go in without Jarious Jackson at quarterback. It doesn't matter. B.C. shouldn't have much of a problem with their Eastern Division rival. You have to take the Lions here, but it won't be a one-sided affair.


You have to say this about the Bombers. It can't get any worse than last week. If the Bombers have any cajones amongst them, they will put out a much better performance against the Alouettes than they did against the Riders. That team was embarrassed to a man. That being said, it won't be good enough to get a win in Montreal against an Alouettes team that is still playing alright but is nowhere close to where they were at the start of the season. The woes of Mike Kelly and the Bombers Nation continue. Go with the Alouettes


The Eskimos are reeling after back to back losses against Calgary. Its a huge game for the Eskimos who will either find themselves still in the thick of that Western Division race or having some separation between themselves and the Riders and Stampeders. I don't care what Rider coach Ken Miller is saying about trying to forget what happened the last time these two teams met. Every player in that room remembers being up 22 at home and losing. It won't happen again. The Riders take this one in one that could very well be decided again by the 4th quarter.
Its hard to believe Ron Lancaster has now been gone for a year. It was one year ago today that the Rider legend passed away. Out of my 10 years at CJME, that is one day I will not forget. The station went pillar to post that day bringing you comments from as many people as possible while letting the listener pour their emotions out. It was a memorable day---and it was a tough day as well. It was hard for yours truly to talk about how great Ronnie was without cracking up and shedding a tear or two. I don't need to tell you that Lancaster was more than a football player in this community. He was more than a legend. He was purely iconic. People talk about the memories of September 11. For someone who lives and breathes Rider football, the memories of September 18 are pretty traumatic as well. Yes, the impact of both can't even compare but I think and hope you know what I speak of.

I spoke the other day about kids lined up at Mosaic Stadium after Rider practice to get autographs from their football hero. I remember being a little guy and going after school to Rider practice which was at the University. I had pen and paper at ready waiting for the guys to come running off the field. One guy would be signing your paper when all of a sudden, number 23 would bolt by. I remember one day a guy was signing an autograph when Ronnie sprinted past, I screamed out "Excuse me Mr. Lancaster". He stopped and came back, signed my autograph and had a brief conversation with me. In the eyes of a young Rider fan, there was nothing better than this. An audience with Ron Lancaster. It wasn't a long conversation, but its one I'll always remember. He could have ignored my plea knowing I'd probably be back tomorrow, but he didn't. He truly was the greatest.
While players like Makowsky, Dressler and Davis won't go down in Rider lore the way Ronnie has. the kids getting those autographs that day or any day won't forget it. It was the moment they had with their football hero---a guy that they watch with wide eyes whether in person or on TV every week. I know exactly how those kids were feeling.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hockey Season Is Here

Its 30 degrees outside, 500 degrees inside Casa de Blair---a casa that sadly on this day has no air conditioning and I'm talking about the start of another hockey season. The battle for the Ed Chynoweth Cup and what team will join host Brandon as WHL reps at the Memorial Cup is underway as the defending champs from Kelowna played Vancouver to get the season going. The Giants winning that game 6-5 with the winning goal coming on a shorthanded goal by Craig Cunningham in overtime on a penalty shot. That's a nice way to start the season.
Tonight, the Pats will open up their season in Saskatoon. I don't know about you, but I just don't know what to expect from this year's edition. Curtis Hunt is back and that's good because Curtis will have the respect of the players---at least he should. I'm not saying Dale Derkatch didn't last year, but he did lose his team sometime before Christmas and when it started to rain, it poured. I did think Brent Parker would make more change than what he did as besides the graduates, the only guy that has really left is Linden Rowat, but he didn't. It means Hunt gets the team Derkatch had and will try to turn it around.
The job becomes much more difficult if Jordan Eberle does not return from the Oilers. Despite the fact he was awesome in Wednesday's game against the Islanders, I think he will be back. The reason why is I don't know if Eberle would be a top six forward in Edmonton and he needs to be if he is going to stay in the bigs. Being a 3rd or 4th line player that might see 8-10 minutes a night is not beneficial to Ebs or any other player on that junior bubble. I think the Oilers are smart enough to see that and they know if they need him, he's just a flight away. I see this team battling Saskatoon for 2nd in the division. Once again though, it would appear as if the better division in the Eastern Conference will be the Central Division with Calgary still being strong, Edmonton getting better and Medicine Hat and Kootenay being their consistent selves. Red Deer and Lethbridge will struggle. Back to the East, I see it being Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Moose Jaw and Prince Albert. If Eberle doesn't come back, I don't know if Regina makes the playoffs.
With the WHL season starting, the Regina Leader-Post showed why it possesses the best sports department in Western Canada. I have said it before, but I will say it again. The group consisting of Rob Vanstone, Ian Hamilton, Murray McCormick, Tim Switzer and Greg Harder show time in and time out that they are the best at what they do. The WHL preview in Thursday's paper was once again Grade A material. Well done guys!
I don't know if he will crack the Flames or any other NHL roster, but you had to feel good for Theoren Fleury last night. He gets the game-winner in the shootout to give Calgary an exhibition win over the Islanders.
Its time for Regina to show some support to one of the other football teams in town. I'm sorry, but 2100 people at the first Rams game was an embarassment to not only the football team, but the city in whole. For a city that is so football-crazed, that turnout was pathetic. The Rams have a good team this year and Marc Mueller is someone you want to watch. No better time than now as they play the University of Calgary tonight. A crowd of at least 5-thousand would be nice. I know the Riders deserve a majority of your entertainment dollar, but so do the Rams and with it being a nice night for football tonight, get out there.
A new poll out shows most people in this province back a ban on talking and texting on your cellphone while driving. 88 percent either are strongly for or would support the ban which is something Premier Brad Wall is calling for. The question I have is who are these people in the 12 percent that don't support such a move. I will admit I have talked on a cellphone while driving, but very, very rarely have I dialed up someone while driving and I have never, ever texted someone while driving. I can't believe someone would be that stupid to do that while behind the wheel. Sorry, your attention needs to be on the road in front of you instead of the screen on your phone. Sadly it would seem as if a majority of the 12 percent are that younger demographic that think they are invincible. It just makes me wonder what life will be like in the next 10 years if some of these "kids" don't smarten up.
There's a great story on the TSN website about what changes you would make to your favourite sport. One of those if you were commissioner for a day type of columns. For my two cents it would be
1)Hockey--get rid of the shootout. I hate the shootout for the fact that every one on the ice gets a chance during regulation and then the game is decided in a skills competition. A skills competition where not everyone gets a chance. I'm not big on a game ending in a tie, but there has to be a better way to finish a game.
2)Football---CFL)--eliminate the single point NFL) fix the current overtime format so that both teams touch the ball
3)Basketball--make the distance for a three pointer greater than it currently is. If that means the court has to be widened, so be it.
4)Baseball--do not allow an intentional walk. You have to pitch to everyone.

What would you do?
The past few Septembers have seen me glued to the TV or the computer or the satellite radio as the Cubs near the pennant. The Cubs were playing Milwaukee on WGN this afternoon and I had basically no interest in it with the fact it was on which increases daytime television tenfold. To me, they are the biggest disappointment of this season. All that talent and they are nowhere close to a playoff spot. Brutal!! Will they ever win? Damn you Steve Bartman...damn you I say!!! I wonder if the Cubs would have won the World Series had it not been for Stevie boy and his move that will pain long suffering Cubs fans like me for years to come. I don't know why but I'm guessing Steve was wearing a Steelers t-shirt underneath that hoodie. He looks like he could be a Steelers fan. GRRRRR!!!!
Another busy football weekend. I'll have the CFL and NFL picks later today. Have a good Friday. I'm hoping it is for yours truly.

Changes On The D?

With Donovan Alexander on the limp and doubtful for Sunday's game against the Eskimos, it looks like Tad Kornegay will take Alexander's spot. Kornegay's spot will be taken by Jerrell Freeman.

That's all I got.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This Could Be Me!!!

My six year old daughter is definitely "Daddy's girl". Daddy sometimes wishes that she would play hockey in the driveway, watch football with him etc, etc, etc, but like all good dads, I wouldn't trade her for the world(although there are days when she is acting up that I would take an offer). Anyhoo, I'm sure if I ever took her to a baseball game that this would happen. This is simply priceless.
If this story on the Oilers-Islanders game is worth anything, it sounds like it might be a while before Pats fans see Jordan Eberle on Brandt Centre ice---if they see him at all.

As you know, Glenn Healy was on TSN before leaving to join the NHL players association. Now that Healy is no longer with the association, he is going back to TV, but not on TSN. Healy will be a regular on Hockey Night in Canada. I wonder if he will be as acidic on HNIC as he was on TSN. Other additions to HNIC this year are another former goalie--Kevin Weekes and Guy Carbonneau. I'll be interested to see how Carbonneau does as he doesn't come across to me as a TV guy. It will also be interesting to see what Carbo has to say as plans are for him to only be on games involving the Montreal Canadiens---the team that fired him as head coach. It could make for some good TV. As for Weekes, he's just another goalie who is moving into the broadcast booth. What is it about tenders and TV? Could this mean PJ Stock is no longer a part of the crew?
Like many of you, I dream of winning the lottery one day. Jay Vargas was 19 years old when he won 17 million dollars in the South Carolina powerball lottery. How did Vargas spend his money??

The Barrin Simpson story is going to the CFL board of governors. The story of course is whether or not a player has to agree to going on the nine game injured list. The Bombers want to do that to save some coin, but Simpson is balking at the move. Word is Winnipeg coach Mike Kelly asked him if he wanted to play this week in Montreal and he said no. It would seem as if Simpson is trying to force Kelly's hand by refusing to play in hopes that he will be released. It doesn't look as if that will happen.
The CFL allowed the transaction to occur meaning Simpson is on the nine game injury list. If this is the case, the Riders are owed money(see the "I Just Don't Understand" post)by the league.
If you have Access on Demand, go to the NFL page and see what you get. Once you have seen this, please apologize to your wife or significant other. As you will see guys, it is must-see TV even though there are no cheerleaders involved.
Summer has finally arrived. Whaddaya mean its mid-September? Its great having the warm temperatures, but accompanying those warm temperatures are the ever annoying mosquitoes. Can we not have one without the other. Is it too much to ask?

Good News For WHL Fans

Lots of WHL hockey will be coming onto your TV again this winter courtesy of SHAW communications. Once again, SHAW will bring the league into your living room with a number of games. Games that I hope will also be shown live on Access. Here's the list.....

I don't know about you, but I love the fact that this allows us to see teams that we normally wouldn't be able to see with the exception of when they come to Regina, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, etc. etc or not at all because of the stupid scheduling the league has.

Rider Update

The Riders got back on the field for the first time today following Sunday's shellacking of the Bombers. Head coach Ken Miller told those in attendance the following.

--Linebacker Aaron Wagner has a knee injury that will keep him out for a while as surgery will be needed to correct the problem.

--Jason Armstead may not be done throwing the football

--He is hoping the players can put the loss to Edmonton out of their minds even though it would seem many have not forgotten blowing a 22 point lead at home.

--Kitwana Jones and Leron Mitchell will likely play Saturday, but Donovan Alexander is doubtful because of a bad hamstring. As for Jason Clermont, Miller says he can't say yet whether or not he will draw back into the lineup. The coach added Clermont has not been a problem this year and has been like an extra coach despite the fact he is not seeing the touches he likely hoped for.

--Kanye West did not interrupt Miller during his daily gathering with the media.

--After practice, the team lined up one by one by their locker room to sign autographs for a group of kids that were to watch their football heros. It took a while for the players to get through the line, but every autograph was signed and every kid left happy. It was wondered aloud by some if that would have happened a few years ago and is just another sign how much the culture has changed since Jim Hopson became president and CEO of this football team.
That is all!

Redefining The Word Creepy

I'll let you decide on this story once you've read it. This is just a little too macabre for me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Just Don't Understand It

I was shocked and sickened upon getting to the airport to greet the Riders after their heartbreaking loss to the B.C. Lions in the 2004 Western Conference final and finding out what had happened at the home of Paul McCallum. Just to refresh your memory, McCallum had missed a chip shot field goal that resulted in the Lions advancing to the Grey Cup. Some idiot decided to drive by the McCallum home and threaten his wife while dumping manure on his driveway. It put a real black mark on Rider fans---some who do take the game too seriously. It has happened again--this time in the NFL.

Bills kick returner Leodis McKelvin returned to Buffalo this morning to find his house had been vandalized. An obscenity had been spray-painted on his lawn as was the final score. It was McKelvin's fumble on a kick return with less than two minutes to play that allowed New England to win the first Monday Nighter of the year.

What possesses someone to do this? People like this take the game just a little too serious. I can sit here and rant about a Rider loss or a Seahawk loss or a Cubs loss or an Oilers loss or whatever. I go to bed and while I may toss and turn, the sun does come up the next day and my life goes on. So does yours. A win or a loss does not change the way life operates. Yeah, you might be a little happier if your team wins, but if they don't for some strange reason, do you snap. If you do, have someone find you a therapist a-s-a-p. If your life is centred on whether or not your favourite team wins or loses, then you my friend have a serious, serious problem.
I would think Jim Hopson or Eric Tillman or someone high up in the Rider organization has placed a phone call to CFL commish Marc Cohon asking for some clarification following this article by the Globe's Dave Naylor.
It would seem to me after reading that that the CFL offices should be cutting the Riders a cheque. I wonder who the two players were that didn't want to go on the nine game list.
The 2009 baseball season isn't even over yet and the sked for 2010 has been released. Jays fans in these parts can go to Minneapolis or Seattle again or they can go to Denver as Toronto will play three against the Rockies at Coors Field in mid-June.
The Old Spice commercials where the guy proclaims "I'm a man" takes the honor of being the dumbest one on TV right now.

Congi Gets POTW

The Riders put up 55. The defence gets eight takeaways and its the kicker who gets the weekly award---and the only one at that. Good for Luca.

Saskatchewan Roughrider kicker Luca Congi has been named the CFL’s Gibson’s Finest Special Teams Player of the Week.

Congi was perfect in the Roughriders 55-10 victory over the Winnipeg Blue Bombers on Sunday. The fourth-year Rider hit all six of his field goal attempts (40, 33, 40, 8, 32 and 29) and set a personal career high for field goals in a game.

Congi joins teammates, Stevie Baggs, John Chick and Chris Getzlaf as Rider weekly award winners this season.