
Monday, May 9, 2011

J-R Getting Some Heat From Shark Fans

At one time they loved him, but the shoe appears to be on the other foot now. Jeremy Roenick, who as you know calls it like it is, let Patrick Marleau have it last night on Versus. He is now feeling the wrath of his comments.

On another topic, how was I not following Roenick on Twitter before this!


  1. 75flyersbestteamever5/09/2011

    Isn't what JR said probably what Shark fans really, really feel about Marleau and their team? If the Wings complete the resurrection how can it be argued they aren't?
    Never been to S.J. but can't probably blame the guys...pretty easy to lick those criticism wounds on a beach in 27 degree weather year-round where outside the rink you are just another face in the land of the plastic surgery and laid back living...
    P.S Heard a great line from Rhett Warriner on Calgary radio station today..if Vancouver meets San Jose next round will it be best of nine due to neither team's "finish it off" ability.

  2. Anonymous5/09/2011

    The comment is accurate as Marleau has been terrible during these playoffs and in years past. Ray Ferraro was critical to that extent as well. However being criticized by Ray Ferraro or Jeremy Roenick is a dubious honour. It's the pot calling the kettle black in both cases.

    Jeremy Roenick was a bum, and and even admitted when he was in Phoenix he wasn't at this best I believe he admitted he was out of shape. The same thing applied in San Jose and Los Angeles.

    Jeremy Roenick was decent in Chicago, and he was a really good player for the Sega Video game. Beyond that he's been a cancer for most of the teams he's played on.

