
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lakers Embarrass Themselves

The Los Angeles Lakers will not repeat as NBA champs. In what was simply a putrid effort, the Lakers bowed meekly out of the playoffs getting crushed 122-86 in Game 4 of their series against Dallas. The Mavericks weren't about to let the Lakers think they had a shot in getting up off the canvas as they delivered the knock out blow early and often hitting three pointer after three pointer after three pointer.

I'm not a Lakers fan and I enjoyed this ass-whuppin tremendously, but I'm guessing even Laker fans had to be disgusted with the actions of both Lamar Odom and Andrew Bynum who were tossed in the 4th quarter. I think Odom's ejection was a little hasty and was seen as preventative by the officials, but what Bynum did was simply inexcusable. He should miss the first few games of next year as well.

That's not the way Phil Jackson should have gone out. That's not the last image we should have seen of a man that I think is the best coach in the history of professional sports and that includes the legendary Scotty Bowman, In 20 years, the man went to the finals 13 times and won 11 of them. For him to go out seeing his team display a complete lack of class was an embarassment.
The Lakers loss would seemingly pave the way (sorry Boston fans) to a coronation of King James as the Miami Heat now have to be considered the favourite to win it all if they weren't before. It wouldn't pain me one bit to see the Heat get eliminated as well and that could happen at the hands of the Celtics. To think a player like Steve Nash would have zero championships, while a complete tool like Chris Bosh could have one. Bosh is an embarassment to the Heat and after Saturday's Game 3 loss, he said nerves got the best of him and that's why he didn't play well. WHAT????? You've been in the league how long? Didn't you represent your country at the Olympics? That's your excuse! Face it Chris, you're pathetic and its a good friend you are buds with Dywane Wade. You are as tough as a croissant my friend and while we couldn't see it in Toronto, we see it front and center with Miami.
The Sharks and Wings will go 7. Will the Canucks and Predators. I don't think so. If it does, can Vancouver hockey fans take another Game 7. If they win that, they're only halfway there. San Jose simply gassed it in the 3rd blowing a two goal lead and losing 4-3. You just can't do that---especially on home ice. Then again. we have seen many teams lose multi goal leads on home ice in these playoffs.
Who would your Conn Smythe Trophy winner be right now? Has anyone REALLY stood out through the first two rounds. My vote right now would have to go to Dwayne Roloson.
Boston Celtics point guard Rajon Rondo dislocated his elbow in rather gruesome fashion Saturday night and returned to play a few moments later, yet Blue Jays slugger Jose Bautista just got back into the lineup on Sunday after missing a handful of games because he hurt  his neck because he slept awkwardly in his NYC hotel room. I'll just let you comment away on that one.
The Sun's Steve Simmons (one of my faves by the way, but nowhere close to being Vanstonian-like) has said they are having problems selling tickets for the Memorial Cup which will go in the GTA in just a couple of weeks time. Simmons says this proves that Toronto isn't a hockey hotbed, its a Leafs hotbed. Just like in Saskatchewan, where we aren't football-a-holics, just Riderholics.
Speaking of the Riders, I like what I see from the draft. I thought the trade with Toronto was fine as they got a very good Canadian defensive back at pick 12. The only question I have about the draft day proceedings is the trade that brought Graeme Bell from Edmonton. Where does he fit in with Szarka, Hughes and Foord already there along with this special teams demon they selected with their last choice. I hope there is a spot for Bell on the 53 man roster, but right now, I don't know where it is. By the way, why does the CFL have the draft on Mothers Day?
The bashing of Derek Jeter is getting a little sickening. This guy is all class and doesn't deserve the heat he is facing. How classy is Jeter? Last week, Blue Jays designated hitter David Cooper got his first major league hit in Yankee Stadium. Jeter recognized this and without being asked threw the ball out of play to the Toronto dugout so that the young man could have his souvenir. Chances are Cooper would have gotten the ball, but Jeter didn't have to give it up so quickly. Many other ball players would have just kept going.
The Pats want you to know that if you buy a season ticket in the next couple of days, they will throw in a ticket for the Elton John concert on Thursday night. Call the Pats office if you want to take advantage of this deal.
Flames fans, I will ask you this. Would you trade Miikka Kiprusoff to Philly for Jeff Carter and Kris Versteeg. Why not?
I know I twittered this when the Capitals got bounced, but I don't think I mentioned it here. If Bruce Boudreau is let go, I say he ends up in Toronto.
Congrats to the Pembroke Lumber Kings for winning the RBC Cup Sunday night as they upset Vernon 2-0. The RBC Cup will be in Humboldt next year meaning I'll have a front row seat for that event (one in which I expect CJVR's Gino DePaoli to provide yours truly with many lunches and beverages) and I can't wait (for the hockey that is----I fear I may end up with too much Gino). It would be nice to see a pair of SJHL teams battling it out for the Canadian championship. That would mean Dean Brockman's crew would have to lose somewhere along the SJ line though and I'm thinking Mr. Brockman will not allow that to happen without having something to say.
That's all I got. Have a great Monday.


  1. Anonymous5/09/2011

    Conn Smythe? Depends how far Nashville goes. Like you, I'm saying Roloson but if the Preds somehow dump the Vancouver Invisable Twins their goalie has to be considered.

  2. Anonymous5/09/2011

    Whatever the Lakers do next year, they should do it without Bynum. That was pure bush-league. He'll be suspended for a few I'm sure. Gasol can also go as he just never seems to play motivated.
    I can't believe Canada was fooled by Chris Bosh for as long as we were. He's out of the league in 3 years.

  3. Anonymous5/09/2011

    Joe Pavelski

  4. Anonymous5/09/2011

    there's a case that can be made for a few players left playing.

    I am partial to the bruins, so I'd say my vote would be for Tim Thomas.

  5. Anonymous5/09/2011

    Pimpin out Elton John tickets and giving you three days to do so? They shud have done this about a month ago. By the way, this doesn't make me go back to get my season ticket.

    Is it that bad over there now Mitch?


  6. There's plenty of Gino to go around

  7. Anonymous5/09/2011

    Where was this Pats promotion at the end of March. I'd be OK with it then, but now. No thanks!

  8. Anonymous5/09/2011

    Can Brent Parker do anything in the eyes of the Regina hockey fan to make himself and his organization look better than the way it is now? At least they're trying.

  9. Anonymous5/09/2011

    This will never happen, but one can dream and I am a Raptors fan so here goes. The Raptors trade their lottery pick to the Lakers with LA giving Toronto Gasol, Walton and their first this year and next. This would make both teams better and get the Lakers younger.


  10. Anonymous5/09/2011

    I never watch NBA but you can't help but see highlights on TSN. I'm a bit long in the tooth but when I went to school, basketball had a thing called 'travelling'. It was called if you carried the ball. When I see today's highlights I wonder why half of those plays are allowed. It seems they carry the ball for 4 or 5 steps. How many steps are they allowed now?
