
Monday, October 24, 2011

Cleveland, You Should Be Embarassed!!

There were good football games on early yesterday in the NFL. Atlanta-Detroit, Chicago-Tampa and the Jets-San Diego to name three. However, the sadist in me and the fact I'm a Seahawks fan (which may be one and the same this year) made me watch the Seattle-Cleveland game. Horrid doesn't even come close to describing this contest. It was god-awful. It was pathetic. NFL Films should really just take all video of this game and burn it and then try and tell people it never really happened. It did set football back decades.

It was in the second half of this game that I saw something which, if I was a citizen of the fine city of Cleveland, I would just shake my head at. It is this.....

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Captain Cleveland!  WTF? OMG? It is bad enough the team doesn't actually have a logo, it is bad enough the team doesn't have cheerleaders, it is bad enough they don't have a corporate name attached to their stadium (its known as Cleveland Browns stadium), but they do have this attached to them. Cleveland is famous for the Dog Pound in which fans don dog masks and bark at the opposition. They've even been known for throwing dog biscuits onto the field at the opposition, but this. Captain Cleveland? Believe it or not, there is a Browns fan in Regina and I had to text him when I saw this thing and go WTF? He had no response. At the end of the game, I said Cleveland may have won 6-3, but I have this to hang over your head so its a wash. He quickly agreed. If I was in Cleveland, I would much rather have Lebron James back than this. Cleveland has the Indians, the Cavaliers, Drew Carey, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and  yes, ladies and gentlemen, they now have Captain Cleveland! Rider uber-fan Ricky G could mop the floor up with this thing.  I'd actually like to see that---then again!
Cleveland, you should be embarassed. If something like this ever showed up at Mosaic, I would hope he would be laughed out of town. What would he be called----"Sergeant Saskatchewan". I would mercilessly boo the you know what out of this guy he showed up in that garb for "High Impact Wrestling".
I wouldn't want to be an Indianapolis Colts fan today. CTV weatherdude J.C Garden is a Colts fan and I'm sure Lee Jones won't bring up last nite's game at all to him. In fact, knowing Lee he probably engaged several texts and messages to JC during that contest. 62-7. OUCH!! I wonder what was going through the minds of NBC execs knowing a pretty good Game 4 of the World Series was on FOX. If only the networks knew Peyton Manning wasn't going to play this year before the schedule came out.
A Raiders fan got on my case over the Seahawks performance yesterday. Fair enough! He didn't respond when I brought up the fact that the Seahawks got three more points than his Raiders and that my quarterback(s) didn't throw 6 interceptions in the game. BRUTAL!!!!
Tebowmania is alive and well. Should it be? Look at his numbers for the first 58 minutes of that game against the Dolphins. Would Tebow make a good CFL quarterback?
I don't care who you are voting for in the upcoming provincial election. A few of my Facebook friends saw this and posted it on their wall. This is funny!!

I'm sure those that support the New Democrats don't think its as funny as those suppporting the Sask Party or the Liberals, but it is funny.  Speaking of which, it will be interesting to see what happens in my riding. A lot of signs for both candidates are out. One has been front and center and one was actually at my door on the weekend while the other hasn't been seen or heard of. We will make our choice in a couple of weeks and yes, you should vote and you have no excuse not to.
Picking up the L-P this morning, I see that its one year until the civic election. I am guessing one Pat Fiacco will be running for mayor again and why not? Hey, the city isn't perfect and there's a lot of things yet to be accomplished, but Pat is slowly stroking the to do things off what's a long list and Regina is a much better place than it was when he assumed the role of "top dog".  I just wonder if there are any serious candidates out there to run against Pat.
I had a lot of people say they enjoyed my Thursday interview with Bret "Hitman" Hart on the weekend. If you didn't hear it, its on this blog a couple of posts back. A lot of you said you just scratched the surface and they were hoping to hear this or hear that. I only had 20 minutes. I wish I had more and even then, I wouldn't have gotten to everything, The guy is a true icon.
An interesting tweet from Global TV last week. They asked where you would put traffic cameras in Regina. There are many different spots, and I suggested Fleet and Vic and Vic and Park seeing those are two major intersections and two dangerous intersections when it comes to accidents. Sask Drive and Albert would be another, but where would you want them? The answers are many.
If I had to vote for Riders rookie of the year, I would have a tough time choosing between Craig Butler and Christopher Milo. Both have put up solid arguments as to why they are worthy.
So much for my Mark Schiefele for Calder Trophy winner. The Jets sent him back to junior yesterday..
The Oilers wouldn't send Ryan Nugent-Hopkins back to Red Deer would they? If they did, Hockey Canada would be doing cartwheels as he would be certain to wear the Maple Leaf at the World Juniors. I don't think its going to happen.
Who, in all honesty, thought the Pats would have won 9 of their first 13?  Congrats to Chad Lang and Pat Conacher for the job they are doing. This team that no one thought would be playoff bound this year might be. While no longer with the team, you have to think former head scout Todd Ripplinger is smiling too seeing some of the young guys he brought in are flourishing.
The future of the WHL and the NHL will be on display in Moose Jaw this weekend with the Western Canada Under 16 Challenge Cup happening. That will be a great event. If it wasn't for the Rider game next Saturday, I might have spent my day at Mosaic Place as that tournament followed by the first ever Pats-Warriors game at the new place will be going on.
It looks like we are going to get to Hallowe'en without any snow in Regina. YESSSSSSS!!!!!


  1. Anonymous10/24/2011

    I would beat that guy up on the bus when he was going home. They were mocking him on either the NFL Network or ESPN last night too. Ricky G would take him out in quick fashion.

  2. Anonymous10/24/2011

    Didn't you tweet last night that the Faith Hill intro would be the best part of that game. You were right! HA HA!!


  3. Anonymous10/24/2011

    I'm an NDP supporter in Saskatoon and I admit I laughed when I saw that. I probably would have laughed harder if it had been Wall instead of Link on the screen, but what are you gonna do?

  4. The only thing the Cleveland Browns have going for them is the fact that they have a stadium with the team name. I would much rather have our new (lets hope) stadium named Saskatchewan Roughrider Stadium than some corporate entity. Although a ball park called the Lancaster-Reed Stadium would be nice.

  5. Anonymous10/24/2011

    Some one call Comic-Con! One of the geeks that went missing turned up in Cleveland. Thats terrible!!


  6. Anonymous10/24/2011

    This Colts fan quit when NO got to 21 in the first quarter. What an embarassment. If this isn't proof that Peyton is the league MVP, I don't know what is. Even New England got to the playoffs without Brady.


  7. Anonymous10/24/2011

    GO BROWNS GO. there are 2 browns in this city i guess scruffy. nothing wrong with captain cleveland there are tonnes of people dressed up at rider games in ridiculous costumes as well. ur just mad cuz ur seahawks lost another game.

  8. Anonymous10/24/2011

    New England didn't get to the playoffs the year Brady was out, JL.

  9. Anonymous10/24/2011

    I'd rather have Captain Caveman than Captain Cleveland! Ricky G would pound him into submission in about 40 seconds flat.


  10. Anonymous10/24/2011

    Pat will be the mayor for as long as Pat wants to be mayor. End of story!

  11. Anonymous10/24/2011

    That guy should be embarassed. That's wrong!

    Browns fan in Stoon

    PS: Its nice knowing there are a couple of teams worse than ours this the Seahawks!

  12. Anonymous10/24/2011

    One can only imagine what Ripplinger is feeling as his products help the Pats flourish. Why they got rid of him remains a mystery.

  13. Anonymous10/24/2011

    There's more than one Browns fan in Regina and like the other Browns fan, I am embarrassed that Captain Cleveland is a symbol of my team.

  14. Anonymous10/24/2011

    I've been a Browns fan since the sixties. Ever hear of Jim Brown, didn't think so. If it didn't happen in the last few years you puppies are clueless. So what if they don't have a logo. Is that what determines your loyalty? That old Rider logo looks like the hotel Sheratin logo. That did not stop me from being a Rider fan. Mitchy my boy, expand those horizons.

  15. Anonymous10/25/2011

    I have been to Cleveland and saw Browns Stadium. Its right on Lake Erie and about a block from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.I was surprised that I actually liked Cleveland as a city.It is so different to what I expected. People who put it down remind me of the out of province types who consider Sask a barren waste land full of peasants and farmers but of course have never been there. Sort of a snobbish hold your nose up type who is so perfect.
    Captain Cleveland is a take off on Captain America. So what are watermelon heads?

  16. Anonymous10/25/2011

    bad enough they don't have a corporate name for their stadium? I say it looks good on 'em.
