
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Doug Flutie To Regina???

I'm just going to throw it out there and yes, I don't really think this would happen, but you just never know.

Doug Flutie would apparently like to come back to the CFL in some sort of coaching capacity. While I think Flutie would go to Toronto as an O-C if this were to happen, I will just ask this. Could you see Doug Flutie being an O-C or a quarterbacks coach with the Riders.

His style isn't the same as Darian Durant's (or many others for that matter) when it comes to being a QB coach, but what about an offensive co-ordinator?

Comment away.


  1. Anonymous10/25/2011

    I could see him start as QB coach but not OC. Would need seasoning first. He was a great QB but that doesn't always translate into being a great coach.If the Riders wanted some show buz for 2012 then by all means hire him to a 1 year contract as OC or QB coach.That could make the off season interesting.

  2. Anonymous10/25/2011

    Flutie didn't like it in Regina when he was a player. He wouldn't like it here as a coach either. He'll go to Toronto and be the O-C for Burris and the Argos next year if he really wants to come back.

  3. Anonymous10/25/2011

    I thought Flutie was doing college football for ESPN. Why would he want to give up that what I'm guessing is a good paying gig to come back to the CFL?

  4. Anonymous10/25/2011

    Wake up Mitch.

  5. Anonymous10/25/2011

    Get him as the QB, even now he'd be better than the clown we have now.

  6. West Central Dave10/25/2011

    Wake up Anonymous!

  7. Anonymous10/25/2011

    I don't know about Flutie, but how about going after Dave Dickenson as O.C and assistant head coach? His brother is here and that might be an attraction for him. Then, after a year, offer him the head coaching job.

  8. Flutie would never take $150,000/yr to be an OC. Unless he's a Head Coach, he won't be back in the CFL

  9. Lee-Anne10/26/2011

    I love the idea, but Flutie always seemed to be a "big city" kind of guy. I don't think he is a fan of cold weather. It wouldn't hurt to offer him a job as QB coach to start, with a promotion to OC promised based on performance. Doesn't cost anything to talk to him and make him an offer.

  10. Anonymous10/26/2011

    It will never happen. Flutie could end up back in the CFL, but it won't be with the good old "S".

  11. Anonymous10/26/2011

    The only way Flute is coming to Regina is with his band to a night club.(Darren on the skins)
    And that would only for one night!

  12. Wally C.1/26/2012

    I was always inspired by the way Doug Flutie played and handled himself both on and off the field. I think his skills are too well rounded to only have him be a QB coach or offensive quardinator. I have never herd him say he was interested in coaching. It would be cool to see him come back here to Canada, but his name draws people perhaps a bigger venue like Head Coach of the Buffalo Bills or Toronto Argos!
