
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Semi-Final Sunday

The CFL divisional semis go Sunday in Montreal and Edmonton. I am taking the home teams. I really have no idea what Ti-Cats coach Marcel Bellefeuille is doing (besides perhaps giving the organization the pink slip that he will be delivered) by benching Stevie Baggs for this one. Say what you will about Baggs, but he is an impact player and he could be used against an aging Anthony Calvillo. Then again, it may not matter. Unless Avon Cobourne has a great day against his old team, I don't see Hamilton coming close in this game with the Alouettes winning it by about 15-20. Hamilton just seems to be a team in disarray. They looked real good when they dismantled B.C at home a couple of weeks ago, but the losses they had in the last couple of weeks of the season just make me think this game will be all Montreal.

Out west, its the first playoff battle of Alberta we have seen in a while with Calgary making the trip to Commonwealth. Will the Drew Tate story continue? The regular season is one thing, but playoffs are another for the rookie quarterback. He has looked great since assuming the starting role, but one can only wonder if Henry Burris will be the hero for Calgary on this day.  There isn't a lot separating these two teams and in the end, I think the better defence will win it. While I really believe Calgary can win this one, I am on record as saying the Eskimos will win so I will hold true to that although I expect this one to come right down to the final seconds.
UFC President Dana White got mixed martial arts on network TV. FOX stepped up to the plate and brought MMA into the living rooms of many Americans who maybe have  not seen the sport before. Like me when I first started watching, they might be going "Is that it?". After a pretty polished run up to the bout, Junior Dos Santos took out Cain Velasquez to win the heavyweight belt. A Frank Caliendo bit on NFL Sunday lasts longer than this fight as it went about a minute. I don't know if that's what Dana wanted, but its too late now. What he should have had was Clay Guida against Ben Henderson. These two went at it and then some. It was maybe the best UFC fight I've seen since I started watching. How can you not love Guida and the energy he brings to the octagon!
Did anyone see the ceremonies before the Leafs-Senators game honoring the Hockey Hall of Fame class of 2011? Dignitaries were on the ice wearing their best and then out came Ed Belfour looking like he had just pulled up in front of the ACC on his Harley after being on a bender all afternoon. CMON Ed! You gotta spruce up for the situation. Are you going to show up Monday night with a Motorhead T-shirt on when you get inducted. Many, many years ago when Belfour played for the Sharks, Rod Pedersen and I were at Tumblers watching some hockey on the dish (they didn't have Centre Ice in those days). The Sharks were playing someone and we were getting the raw feed at the bar. Belfour was to be an intermission guest and the director was getting antsy wondering where he was. The camera panned over from the studio and there was Eddie having a smoke. When the camera got on him, he gave the director the finger in one of those "relax I'll be there" moments. Then as it is now, he doesn't care.
One huge advantage of having the Winnipeg Jets back in the NHL is it means we see them on a Saturday night and not the Leafs or Habs. Any Saturday night in which the Leafs or Montreal are not on my TV screen, unless playing the Oilers, is a good Saturday night if you ask me.
So much for Boise State and Stanford being in the BCS National Championship. One has to think that unless there is an upset down the road that it will be LSU vs Oklahoma State.
Week 10 NFL Lock Of The Week---Houston over Tampa
Week 10 NFL Upset Of The Week --Bills over Cowboys
Regina born Seahawks punter Jon Ryan tweeted Saturday night while watching the Notre Dame-Maryland game that he may be seeing some of the ugliest uniforms he has ever seen. I quickly tweeted him reminding him of those ugly lime green uniforms the Seahawks trotted out a couple of years ago for a one time only thing and how those were easily the worst ever seen. He tweeted back that I may be right.
Speaking of Ryan, lets get him to the Pro Bowl in Hawaii. Vote for Jon to go to the Pro Bowl at
Congrats to the Saskatoon Hilltops for winning the Canadian junior football title with a 29-1 win over Hamilton.
Am I supposed to be excited over the fact Hazel Mae is returning to Sportsnet? Rod Smith, you won't be losing this guy as a Sportscenter viewer in the afternoon.
I forget what member of the Detroit Red Wings got injured during a game against Edmonton on Friday, but Mike Babcock said the player was out with a "middle-body injury". Middle-body? Just when you think it couldn't get more ridiculous, it does.
When someone tells you he is practicing sexual abstinence, you have to ask yourself if that was his original plan and if that was ever really his choice.
Have a great Sunday!!!!


  1. Anonymous11/13/2011

    If Marcel gets canned and ends up back in Saskatchewan for next season as either HC or OC, I am done with the Riders.


  2. Anonymous11/13/2011

    Guida-Henderson was AWESOME!

  3. Anonymous11/13/2011

    Does anyone really watch Sportsnet Connected? That show is terrible compared to Sportscentre. There is no comparison.

