
Sunday, November 13, 2011


I didn't think the Hamilton Tiger-Cats had it in them. Did the Hamilton Tiger-Cats know they had that in them? A team that put up just three points against the Riders a couple of weeks ago went blow-for-blow against the Montreal Alouettes and matched them point-for-point and then some as they advance to the Eastern Conference final against Winnipeg with a dramatic 52-44 overtime win that they will talk about for quite some time. The game had it all and then some. In fact, for a while, it looked like Montreal was going to be the beneficiary of another last play field goal penalty as Justin Medlock missed a potential game winning field goal because of a delay of game penalty that turned a 43 yarder into a 53 yarder.

I said in previewing the game that the only way Hamilton kept this close was if Avon Cobourne had a huge game. He had 97 yards on 14 carries, but 46 of those yards came on a highlight reel touchdown run late in the 4th to give Hamilton what was a temporary seven point lead.  Its one of those games that truthfully I wish I would have seen. I won't lie to you. Without the Riders involved today, I didn't have much interest in the two games--especially the Eastern game. That will change next weekend, but I just didn't care about the two games that happened today.

In Edmonton, Drew Tate's bubble burst. The quarterback, who is Calgary's future, could not get it done as the Eskimos beat the Stamps 33-19. This one changed in the 2nd quarter when Damaso Munoz (sounds like a future Blue Jays 2nd baseman instead of a football player) took a Tate fumble back 75 yards with Calgary leading by two. It seemed like after that play Edmonton put it into an extra gear.

So it means the Ti-Cats will play the Bombers with the Eskimos playing the Lions. You still have to think it will be a Winnipeg-BC final, but in this year's CFL, who knows?

With Montreal losing, does this mean the end of Anthony Calvillo's career. We have been talking about that for years, so who knows. I'm guessing he is back, but the torch has been handed over as the Alouettes are no longer going to be Eastern champs or CFL champs. Is this the time?
Another interesting Sunday in the NFL....just some thoughts,

--The Ravens are one of those teams that you just can't depend on to get it done. They beat Pittsburgh in Week 1 in convincing fashion and then lay an egg the next week and then after a dramatic win over the Steelers last week, they lay an egg in Seattle and lose to the Seahawks. (YAYYYYYY Seahawks!!!)

--The Falcons decision to go for it on 4th and 1 in overtime from their own 30 may come back to bite them in the ass come playoff time. What a stupid move by Coach Mike Smith. Smith said after the game he didn't want to put the ball back in Drew Brees' hands. Hey Mike, give it to Drew about 70 yards away from the goal-line instead of 30. DUHHHHHH!!!!

--Never, ever give up on the Patriots

--The Bills must have watched films of Super Bowls past between them and the Cowboys. WTF??

--Bills receiver David Nelson should get extra fantasy points for his stunt Sunday. Nelson goes out with a Cowboys cheerleader and after scoring a TD, he gave her the ball. I wonder how that conversation went after the game. Thumbs up David!!!

--Say what you will about Tim Tebow, but he wins!!! He's 3-1 as Denver's starting quarterback. I'm not sure, but I think Rob Vanstone is going John who???

--Chris Johnson is alive!!
--How can Andy Reid keep his job after the Eagles get beat at home by Arizona
--The Niners are 8-1? How? That team is in for a dirty beating by someone come playoff time.
--Cleveland Browns football is not exciting---especially at home. A 6-3 win over Seattle this year and a 13-12 loss to the Rams. YAWWNNNNNN!!!

That's all I got. Have a great Monday!!


  1. Tim Tebow - 2 pass completions in 60 min!! A win, but brutal offense. He must be working toward some sort of record. Meanwhile ...
    Very much enjoy watching the amazing Drew Brees again this year, having his own record breaking season.

  2. That East semi was amazing. I knew it would be a good game but that was easily the BEST game of the year to watch. And believe me I watched them all.

  3. Anonymous11/14/2011

    I'm with you on the no interest thing. I started watching the East game, but found myself going to the NFL games and I didn't turn back. Without the Riders involved, I don't care. I will watch the GC though and I will try and watch the finals next weekend.


  4. Anonymous11/14/2011

    Wild weekend in the NFL. Jets, Falcons and Ravens took a huge step backwards. Can't wait to see Pittsburgh play the Niners later this year.

  5. Anonymous11/14/2011

    I don't care if they won. If Corey Chamblin runs that type of defence, I don't want him here as a DC or a head coach.

  6. Anonymous11/14/2011

    The cheerleader is his girlfriend! Was on the pre-game show.

  7. Anonymous11/14/2011

    Pathetic fan support at home playoff game Edmonton.
    P.S. Eric Tillman GM of Year , with massive player personnel turnover at many positions. Last to First in first full season.

  8. Lee-Anne11/14/2011

    I don't get it. Hufnagel deems that Tate is his starter for the last 3 games, all went well and Tate was labelled the second coming of Joe Montana. Then in the semi-final, Tate struggles in the first half and Huf decides to pull him. If this kid is the QB of the future, why not leave him in the game and allow him to work his way through the adversity. The Stamps weren't out of it at halftime, and I think Tate would have pulled it together. He played in big games in college, so he would of settled down. Now more questions in Calgary. Is Tate your future or not? They didn't show much confidence in him by pulling him so quick. He has to develop in the good times AND the bad. Panic move.
    I laughed out loud when Stevie Baggs was a healthy scratch due to the ratio. I bet that went over well with the "shameless self-promoter"! The only reason Baggs was a star when he was with the Riders is because Chick was constantly double-teamed. Since Baggs left here, he has been average.

  9. Anonymous11/14/2011

    Baggs will be released from his heavy contract after the season. And I hope the Riders don't try to overpay for him.

  10. Sad to say but, in 2012 Stevie Baggs may be joining Mo Lloyd in the stands, waiting for a call from somewhere to fill in when a team is hit hard by an injury bug.

  11. Lee-Anne11/14/2011

    I hope the Riders don't pay Baggs at all! He is not a team player. I remember when Chick beat him out for the Defensive Player of the Year. Baggs made a huge issue out of it right before the Riders' playoff game. He is a constant distraction and a "me first" player. He is definately worth a 6 figure salary. Save that money for Freeman and Fantuz.

  12. Anonymous11/14/2011

    Why the hate for the Browns? They are not the only boring football club out there. Did you watch the crap the Riders presented every week.
    Go Bears
