
Sunday, December 4, 2011

The NHL Doesn't Need Jordin Tootoo

Jordin Tootoo was a gutless puke when he played for the Brandon Wheat Kings and he has continued it on playing for the Nashville Predators. He doesn't have respect for the game nor does he have respect for his fellow players. Tootoo should be facing a suspension for this act of cowardice last night against Buffalo....

Its really too bad that Miller wasn't allowed to rain down more punches on the back of Tootoo's head. This was completely different than the Lucic hit on Miller earlier this year because Miller was in his crease where as he wasn't when Lucic sent him sprawling to the ice. Here's hoping a lengthy "Shanaban" comes from the NHL offices.
December 4 and I really haven't started my Xmas shopping yet. YIKES!!!
I'm getting sick of the Kent Austin talk. He isn't coming back to the CFL. What does he have to gain by coming back?
Brian Burke really wanted to fight Kevin Lowe in a barn in upper-state New York. Would this have been on HNIC? Would it have been on TSN? Would Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan have done the announcing? If Burkie was so adamant about it, let it happen. That would have been great TV. Hey, they could have had Mosca-Kapp on the undercard or Pedersen-Naylor. Speaking of Mosca, he is going to appear on an upcoming episode of "Dr. Phil" to discuss what happened in Vancouver. SIGHHHHHH!!!!
I did not think Ryan Nugent-Hopkins would have as much of an impact on the Oilers and the NHL as he has. The kid is phenomenal and is the run-away winner for the Calder Trophy as the NHL's best rookie at this point of the season.
Remember the name Austin Davis. He is a quarterback from Southern Mississippi who has CFL written all over him. He showed his talents off yesterday as Southern Miss upset Houston to win the Conference USA title and prevent the Cougars from having a perfect season and the chance to play in a BCS bowl. I am guessing one CFL team has him on their neg list.
Another player is receiver Tracey Lampley. He can play our game too.
NFL Week 13 lock of the week---Falcons over Texans
NFL Week 13 upset of the week --- Vikings over Broncos

For what its worth, I think Eli and the Giants give the Packers a battle today as well.
What does the trade bringing catcher Jeff Mathis to the Blue Jays do to J-P Arencibia?
I would love to see the Jays sign Prince Fielder (Cecil's kid), but only if he doesn't sign with the Cubs.
You know it's time to lose weight when none of your towels fit.


  1. Jason K.12/04/2011

    There was a time when what TooToo did would be smart hockey , as per the NFL , softness and the "Wussification" of professional sports is at the forefront. He will get suspended , he will feel the NHL's wrath , but almost everyone i know grew up watching hockey being played this way. Let's not go overboard. Much like the SUH situation.

  2. Today's main event: Jared Allen vs. Tim Tebow.

  3. Anonymous12/04/2011

    Tootoo is a gutless coward. That wasn't smart hockey in the past. What it was was an invitation to a full scale 5 on 5 if not worse. I hope he gets 8

  4. Anonymous12/04/2011

    If your buddy Pedersen would stop making up rumours about Austin, maybe the talk would die down. However, he keeps bringing it up as does your other buddy Vanstone. I've had enough of it as well.

  5. Anonymous12/04/2011

    At least if Vanstone is writing about Austin he's not yapping about a certain receiver that I'm sick of.

  6. Anonymous12/04/2011

    Mitchy, Mitchy, Mitchy. Have you not bought into Tebowmania? CMON!!!

  7. Anonymous12/04/2011

    Watched that Houston-Southern Miss game yesterday. Keenum gets all the headlines coming in, but Davis gets them coming out. I think Davis could play in the CFL too. Is he on our neg list?


  8. Check out today's New York Times website for a very good article on Derek Boogaard titled: Punched Out: The Life and Death of a Hockey Enforcer. The 7 page article also includes photos and interactive video. If possible, it would be worth setting up a link with your blog.

  9. Anonymous12/04/2011

    Do we have anybody on our neg list? Aren't we the only team in the CFL without a ful time USA based scout? Oh ya I forgot..Craig Smith will find us all that great young talent.....

  10. Why would Austin tell Edmonton last year not interested but interview in Hamilton this year? Me thinks it's him or Dickenson running the show in Riderville next year!

  11. Anonymous12/04/2011

    As much as I disdain Tootoo he drove to the net just like what is taught from Novice age. He jumped so he wouldn't steam roll Miller so I don't see this as anything remotely close to the Lucic hit.

    Totally different play and anyone who has played at at least the Junior Level can see that. Couch potatoes will not, hint hint

  12. Anonymous12/04/2011

    Junior is a HELLUVA long way from the NHL. Like from Regina to the Moon.

  13. Anonymous12/05/2011

    What Rider fans forget, Tillman was GM and we had a solid base of players. Austin was the key to getting to the cup. Next year we have a lot of rebuilding to do, not even Saint Austin could accomplish a Grey Cup trip next year.Most fans who pray for him to return think he can perform miricles. He can not. He is NOT COMING BACK. Get over it.
    I see Hamilton as similar to the Riders in 2007. Solid base but under coached.Prime pickings for him? Maybe?

  14. Lee-Anne12/05/2011

    I agree with a previous blogger. I'm sick of the Austin stuff too, but it was Rod that brought it up again on Friday, talking about his source from Hamilton. Rod is partly to blame for this story not going away.
