
Monday, December 5, 2011

What Did We Learn?

It was the first weekend without some CFL football to discuss, but I'm guessing many of you --correction--I know many of you keep your eyes and ears on what's going on in the NFL too and once again yesterday, the day's action left many with questions.

Here's what I learned after another Sunday

--First off, as much as I love the family, its nice to have the whole damn house to myself when the NFL is on. Sunday Ticket upstairs, Sunday Ticket downstairs, no one to bother me. I can't ask for much better can I.

--Without the Seahawks playing, it gave me a chance to sit down and watch Denver's Tim Tebow for a full game. He just fascinates me with his unorthodox style. The guy is so bad, but he gets it done. He just seems to have that ability to know when a big play is needed and how to get that big play. There was one play yesterday where he was being pressured as he was heading to the sidelines. Most rookie quarterbacks would just bail on the play and step out of bounds or throw it away, but Tebow had the composure to keep his head up and just before going out of bounds sling a pass to Demariyus Thomas that went for a TD in what was a wild win over the Vikings.  As much as many across the NFL landscape want this guy to fail, he isn't. He just keeps winning. The Broncos aren't going to the Super Bowl with Tebow, but I think they may be headed to the playoffs with him.

--The Atlanta Falcons can join that list of teams that can be called a disappointment. There is no way the Falcons should have lost to Houston yesterday. The Texans were starting TJ Yates. This guy's only claim to fame is that he followed Darian Durant at North Carolina. The Falcons somehow found a way to soil the linens though and give this one up. You just can't drop games like this if you are to be taken seriously. You have to find a way to win. Maybe its the fact Matt Ryan is one of my fantasy quarterbacks, but this guy has regressed big-time this year. The Falcons and the Eagles were the teams being picked to come out of the NFC this year, but right now it looks like neither team will be playoff bound.

--The New Orleans Saints may have what it takes to beat the Green Bay Packers. It is just sick watching Drew Brees operate the New Orleans offence with the efficiency that he does. Go all the way back to Week 1 and remember how New Orleans just about came back to beat the Packers in Green Bay. Right now, there is nothing to suggest that these two teams won't be back playing one another at Lambeau Field in frostier conditions in the NFC Championship game.

--The New York Giants gave it everything they had against the Packers, but it wasn't enough. The G-Men tied the game with 58 seconds to play, but that's an eternity for Aaron Rodgers. He sliced and diced the New York defence on the last drive setting up a Mason Crosby chip shot to go 13-0. Mercury Morris and his friends on the 72 Dolphins had better make room for another team to have a perfect regular season because the Packers won't get beat the rest of the way. Yes, playoffs is another story.

--Someone needs to explain to me why Jason Garrett iced his own kicker by taking a time out just before a game winning kick. Dan Bailey then missed the potential game-winner and Dallas lost in overtime. That move just made no sense to me.

--It won't be long until Detroit's Matthew Stafford is one of the game's elite at quarterback.

--What rookie quarterback would you rather have---Cam Newton or Andy Dalton? I think I would prefer the latter.

Just some other random thoughts.....

--If the Jays are to land free agent first baseman Prince Fielder and there is talk that could happen. What does the team do with Adam Lind? Do they move him back to left? Do they keep him at first and have Fielder DH? Do they trade him to get a closer? Having Bautista, Fielder and Lind as a 3-4-5 combo would make a lot of teams nervous. The bottom line is the Jays have to get Fielder to sign on the dotted line first.

--I get the feeling we will hear some player related announcements from the Riders this week, but nothing on a new head coach. The rumours will be running wild again, but I don't see anything imminent coming down the pipe.

--I had to get a new mouse for the computer this morning so it was a quick run to Walmart after dropping the little munchkin off at school. There I ran into a high ranking member of the Wall government who had to buy a belt before heading off to the Legislature for the start of today's session. Yes, your MLA's still throw dollars down at Wal-Mart like you and I.

--I guess those that thought Tiger might never win another PGA event for a long time have been silenced. The question I have is since now he has tasted victory, does this mean the old Tiger is on its way back or is this just another win by another golfer.

--I have no desire to start Xmas shopping. I need to start soon though.

--Pedersen is on his way home from the Sportscage weekend in Phoenix so I get to host the show today. I have some calls in, but I have no idea what way we are going to turn today. There will be some CFL talk though, but not for the full two hours.  Talk to ya then!


  1. First of all calling a timeout when your about too kick the game winning fg, the dumbest move I've seen in a long time. Only time will tell will that cost Dallas the playoffs. I don't get Tebow like you said he is really bad, but yet wins? No, no Blair it won't be the Saints against the Packers in the NFC Final. It will be my 10-2 49ers. Where's the love? Don't hate just because their in the same division as the Shithawks.

  2. Lee-Anne12/05/2011

    Mitch, please find out who has the Neg.rights to Kyle Quinlan of MacMaster. The Riders BETTER be interested.
    There are lots of good QBs in the NCAA, the Riders need a good AMERICAN scout to find them. The young guy from Wisconsin would be a good CFLer. Also, Robert Griffin III from Baylor would be great up here but I think he will be drafted in the early rounds of the NFL draft.

  3. Anonymous12/05/2011

    There's no such thing as neg rights when it comes to Canadian players. Either they've been drafted, or they haven't.

  4. Anonymous12/05/2011

    We have a good American scout Lee-anne, named Brendan Taman. He scouts the other teams US castoffs (mostly Wpg) and brings them into Saskatchewan!

  5. Anonymous12/05/2011

    Mitch Ole Miss hired a coach this morning, Freeze from Ark. st Your rising superstar coach Austin didnt get a sniff...

  6. Anonymous12/06/2011

    "We have a good American scout Lee-anne, named Brendan Taman. He scouts the other teams US castoffs (mostly Wpg) and brings them into Saskatchewan! "
    HEAR HEAR !!!!!!!!!!
