When TSN2 came on board, the channel was ready to go across the country with the exception of Rogers (as in Rogers Sportsnet) subscribers. TSN knew it had to get cable providers like Access and Shaw on board right away so as to not to alienate anyone. Did Rogers pay attention? NO!
The advent of Rogers Sportsnet One means 25 Blue Jays game are going to be shown exclusively on the network---a network that no one outside of southern Ontario is getting. What is the positive behind that? Why is RSN brass allowing this? All they have done is once again alienate Blue Jays fans across the country. I'm sure many wanted to watch the beginning of a series in Oakland only to be treated to things like Air Racing, MMA Connected and yes, poker! When will Access and Shaw get Sportsnet One? It better be soon. I get the strange feeling Sportsnet One will be your home for the MLB playoffs and that baseball fans in Saskatchewan will get a steady diet of poker and other crap.
The Riders and the other Western teams are on their bye week. Its gonna make for some slow times around here.
The Pats have an announcement scheduled for tomorrow. What could it be? I have no clue. This will come the day after their golf tournament. Did the winner lose their title after it was determined someone grounded their club in a bunker? Did Todd Ripplinger test positive for something and get disqualified? Did Dan Plaster use a Rod Pedersen-type speech and get lynched?
If there is a rush towards cucumbers over the next few days, I'll know why. Read on to find out what I'm talking about. Who do these people use for test studies?
The Mrs. took a day off today. I'm guessing she wasn't the only one. I've been in Costco on a Saturday afternoon and wasn't nearly as busy then as it was today. Was it a holiday and I just missed it or something.
The University of Kentucky took on Western in an exhibition basketball game last night. Kentucky will play Windsor tomorrow night. How much did this cost? Can the Huskies and Cougars pool some money to get a major Division 1 team to play a pair of games in our fine province. I'd love to see that and so would many others.
I wonder what all of those people who took the Eskimos as the Western Division champions are thinking today?
My "buddies" over at Riderfans.com are debating something that I wholeheartedly endorse. There is a movement afoot amongst some to get rid of "The Last Saskatchewan Pirate" at the end of the 3rd quarter. I agree and then some! NEW SONG PLEASE! Even silence would be better than the "LSP". I found out during the Esso Cup that there was a long version of that song. I can only hope that version never makes its way into the CD player at Mosaic.
In a months time, the puck drops on the SJHL season. I've got a lot of work to do between now and then. I'm glad I'm surrounded by a good group of guys to help me out on some things. By the way, the SJHL has a facebook page. Go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/Saskatchewan-Junior-Hockey-League/145356245489130?v=photos&ref=ts#!/pages/Saskatchewan-Junior-Hockey-League/145356245489130?v=wall&ref=ts if you want to join.
I don't care what anyone says. If Tiger Woods is in the same spot that Dustin Johnson was in yesterday, no one says a word. Well then again that's not right because someone would have made sure Tiger got the message.
Steve Yzerman's hiring of Al Murray is huge. That is going to pay some huge dividends down the road. The Lightning are going to be a very good hockey team very soon.
Who was the "leader of tomorrow" that thought up this?

Oh wait, he might be the guy in charge of getting Rogers Sportsnet One to the entire country.
I to am totally disgusted and pissed off with Sportsnet for their crap and Sportsnet One (Done). I e-mailed them 2 days ago, as of now, no response yet. Surprise, surprise. This is just another Toronto based company displaying their arrogant attitude towards the rest of the country. The Blue Jays are actually exciting to watch more times than not this season. Hopefully they get their shit together soon.
Cucumbers eh!
Any truth to the rumour that those making decisions on Sportsnet One sit in a corner office in a blue building downtown. What?! It had to be said.
I'm not a Riderfans participant, but put me down as one that HATES that 4th quarter stretch song.
Well Sportsnet is run by the same company that thought that their smugness and holier then thou attitude would automatically bring success with their NFL in TO stint. One would think they would learn that people aren't going to dole out money to them just because they want them to
Little Johnny
mitch, you worry about rf.com too much. better to have bad thing said about you than nothing at all
I would love to see the Cougars play a major division 1 school. That would be SO entertaining. I'm guessing those in Stoon would say the same thing. I'm also guessing it costs some major $$$$.
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