Congratulations to Michelle Englot and her rink from the Tartan. Michelle will be going back to the Scotties for the first time since the event was held in Regina in 2008 after defeating Stefanie Lawton to win the provincial title in Humboldt by a score of 9-7. With the win, the 48 year old (sorry Michelle) is now the first skip to win the Scotties in four different decades. She's just like fine wine, she's not getting older, she's getting better.
Englot's inclusion to the Scotties means curling fans in Red Deer can get ready for what should be a great week of curling. Michelle joins a field that will have defending champ Amber Holland, Jennifer Jones, Kelly Scott, Heather Nedohin, Marie France-Larouche and Heather Strong in it. Whoever wins will have definitely earned it.
Did you watch the NHL all-star game? I didn't. Did you watch the NFL Pro Bowl? I didn't.
I saw some highlights and I'm glad I didn't.
I laugh at how some people will criticize the writing on this and other blogs, yet they always come back to read the latest entry. Why is that?
Not a good weekend for the Pats as they lose to Swift Current at home on Friday and drop one in Saskatoon on Saturday. By reading Rod Pedersen's blog, it seems the haters are once again out as the harsh talk has continued. I'm sure Pat Conacher will get things straightened out very quickly. By the way, in reading Rod's blog, he says the team keeps losing every time he goes to a game. This makes me wonder if Evraz Place staff will be instructed to tell him his attendance isn't wanted by Brent Parker anytime soon. ITS A JOKE!!!!!
Speaking of the Pats, its my understanding that there is going to be a Canadian version of "The Bachelor". The wife believes the first bachelor will be some greasy rigger from Alberta, but I have to wonder if the show's producers have approached Dan Plaster. WHAT???? Again, ITS A JOKE!!!!!! or is it?
I find it extremely odd that team doctors couldn't find the neck injury that Sidney Crosby has supposedly had. This makes me wonder if the Penguins team doctor is Dr. Nick Riviera from Simpsons fame.
Is it safe to say that many people will be glued to their TVs in 2014 when Mark McMorris competes at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Between McMorris and Graham DeLaet, Saskatchewan has two more athletes that we should be following closely.
Look, its High Impact Wrestler Rex Roberts once again staring at the ceiling counting the tiles at the Victoria Club during Friday's "monthly dose of culture". Rex and company will do their thing again February 22 at the Victoria Club and yes, the midgets will be there on that night to perform. Who doesn't love midget wrestling?!

I don't know how much money these guys get paid for doing what they do, but they really put it on the line Friday night with some dangerous and risky moves. It was an entertaining nite, but then again when you are in the company of Rob Vanstone and Tony Playter, how can it not be? If only Obama had been there! I'm guessing he will be on the 22nd.
High Impact Wrestling "performer" Crazy Horse would have been outstanding doing his thing in Stampede Wrestling or even the WWE when they had managers. He might be the best of the lot.
It hasn't been a good couple of weeks for WWE star Zack Ryder. If you watched the "Royal Rumble" last night and you've been watching RAW, you know what I mean.
Is it true that a book is being written or has been written on the 1986 bus crash involving the Swift Current Broncos and how the team rebounded to keep playing and go on to win a Memorial Cup. If this book is out, where is it and what's it called as I want a copy. If its being written, when will it be at my nearest bookstore?
Speaking of the Broncos, they had a meeting the other night to discuss "issues" with the fans. Is this the start of something bigger that could involve the team's finances. It can't be easy for teams like Swift Current and Prince Albert to operate and you have to wonder if a dire situation is happening there. Is this the reason they didn't trade any of their good players at the trade deadline so they could keep giving people a reason to come to the rink. I don't like it when I hear stories like that. I hope my thought process is wrong on this one.
I love the latest initiative from the WHL. They are asking fans to submit questions via Facebook and Twitter to Commissioner Ron Robison. The best of the bunch will be answered by Robison with the video going out on the league's website along with their Twitter and Facebook accounts. I should have thought of that with former SJ President Laury Ryan last year. Oh the questions I would have had to siphon through and the ones I would have given him for him to answer. Too late now!
I don't know why, but I get the feeling that some kind of big announcement will come from the Rider offices this week. Just call it a hunch.
If you are an MMA fan, do you love or hate Chael Sonnen? You gotta admit the guy is a little out there and his mike skills can't be beat.
I never thought I would be one of those people to get into eating healthy and working out everyday. I was correct.
Have a good Monday!
Right on Michelle. With two very good Sasky rinks in Red Deer, it wouldn't surprise me to see an Englot-Holland final.
Chael Sonnen is the biggest douche in sports today. Somebody needs to punch his teeth down his throat.
Fantuz has put on his Facebook and Twitter accounts that he has gone to Africa, so it won't be that announcement.
Michelle is battle worn and tested and she's back on top of the provincial ladder again. Well done ladies!!!
Was at Pats game in Stoon Saturday and left very disappointed. The guys just didn't have their head in it right from the start. The only highlight was Stevenson kicked the ass of some Blades player. Conacher needs to give this team a wake-up call in a big hurry.
You better get into some healthy eating and lose about 50 lbs - 2lbs a week and by end of July you could be 50 lbs lighter - think about it
What do you think this big announcement will be about?
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