There are big days on the sports calendar for yours truly. Opening day, the Super Bowl, March Madness, etc, etc. Today is one of those days. Yes, wrestling is seen by some to be stupid, but I have loved it since watching Stampede Wrestling and then going to it in the mid 80's. I have discussed my love for those days in this blog before and I'm reminded of it everytime I go to High Impact Wrestling.
I know everything is scripted, but I love it. Always have, always will! The big match today has the Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels in a rematch of what might have been the greatest ever match in the history of Wrestlemania which went last year. The Undertaker is a perfect 17-0 at WM(Coincidentally, this streak means nothing compared to mine as I will be 26-0 in watching Wrestlemania's live when the day is over) and he has told Michaels that if he wins today, it costs 'The Heartbreak Kid" his career. Meanwhile, Canadian icon Bret "The Hitman" Hart finally gets into the ring with Vince McMahon. Its about a decade too late as far as I'm concerned, and Bret's health will get in the way of what could have been a great match, but it will be fun seeing Bret exact a measure of revenge for the Montreal screwjob oh so many years ago. It will be a fun evening at the home of Saskatchewan's sexiest blogger watching it all come down. Yeah. I've had people ask me "How can you watch that crap?". They then tell me how good "Dancing with the Stars" or "The Bachelor" is. Yeah, OK. You watch what you want to watch and be entertained and I'll watch what I want to.
While one Canadian fighting icon does his thing today, another did his thing last night and he did not disappoint---or did he? Georges St. Pierre manhandled Dan "Don't call me Jon" Hardy in the main event at UFC 111 last night, but the Montrealer was upset with himself. St. Pierre basically owned Hardy right from the get-go. The only highlight for the Brit with the wacked out hair and the terrible teeth was the fact he got out of two very painful submission moves. Who's kidding who, this guy's arms must be made out of rubber. Is Gumby alive? St. Pierre didn't like the fact he had to go to the distance. The bottom line is he proved again why he is considered one of the best in the UFC.
The Calgary Hitmen haven't beaten the Moose Jaw Warriors yet, but I like their chances now. Moose Jaw had the chance to complete what would have been an historic upset with a win at home last night, but Calgary jumped out into a 3-0 lead. Moose Jaw cut it to 4-3, but Calgary gets the last three of the game to win 7-3 forcing a Game 7 in Calgary Monday. I don't like Moose Jaw's chances, but they did go into Calgary and steal the first two and the pressure is still squarely on the shoulders of the WHL's top team in the regular season. It will be an interesting one. Wish we could see it!
I was watching Sportscentre Friday when they aired a piece about a rink in Quebec being named after legendary NHL coach Pat Burns. Burns spoke at the get-together and my jaw hit the floor when I saw him. Burns is battling cancer and he's losing the fight. He looked terrible! He looks nothing like the man that led the Leafs and Devils. You have no idea how much I hate that disease and how one day I hope a cure is found. Too many good people are being taken away from us for no good reason. Burns admits he probably won't be around for the grand opening of the rink in 2011. That's too bad. Hockey will have a lost great one when he goes.
Jennifer Jones will not win the World Womens Curling Championship in Swift Current. She lost to Scotland in the semi-final last night. I don't know why people aren't talking about it more, but Eve Muirhead should be given credit for making this one a game in the 2nd end. With Canada up 2-0, Muirhead faced a steal of 2. She had only one chance and that was an angle raise double. She stuck the shot and stayed around for one leaving her in the game instead of being down 4-0. It was a great shot! It was a game-changer! By the way, I don't know about you, but I love Muirhead's voice. Anyhoo, she will go for gold today against Andrea Schopp. No truth to the rumour that she skips the mens team as well. Take that for what you will.
A lot of questions are now being asked Jones and her Winnipeg rink. They have been together a long time and its expected they won't be sticking together for another Olympic run. Yes, they are still Team Canada at the Scotties, but one has to wonder if we are seeing the last of what has been one of Canada's top womens curling teams to ever compete.
By the way, is there any truth to the rumour that Mr. Jennifer Jones ( I couldn't pick the guy out of a police lineup) has been rather belligerent all week in Swift Current reminding people there of what happened in the Grey Cup and all in all, just being a complete you know what. I've heard a couple of stories about him and I'm surprised he hasn't had a knuckle sandwich for lunch.
Still with the curling, the Leader-Post's Murray McCormick has done a great job, as per usual, covering the event in Swift Current. I wonder if Murray somehow managed to get himself a pair of Norwegian curling pants. If he did, I think he should wait until Day 1 of Rider training camp to break those babies out. Maybe he got a whole bunch and he, Ian Hamilton and Vanstone can wear them on a day-to-day basis. OK, maybe not!
Esquire Magazine is asking you to pick the sexiest woman alive. Here's the link....
One of the pairings is Stacy Keibler against Anna Kournikova. GOOD GOD! How am I supposed to choose between those two! They are both lottery picks! It's like deciding Lemieux over Gretzky or Larry Bird over Magic Johnson.
Back to wrestling for just a second. ESPN Classic had old AWA wrestling on Saturday morning. The locale of the event----Minot! This might be the first time I have ever seen anything on TV come from Minot.
Rumour has it Chris Johnson of the Titans will be this year's Madden cover boy. Will the jinx hit him if he indeed adorns the cover.
Enjoy your Sunday and if you are watching Wrestlemania, enjoy it as well!
Jennifer Jones is married?
There is one thing you can do for Pat Burns. Pray for him. If we do nothing, he will likely die, if we pray, he could be healed. Just have faith
I haven't met anyone who watches wrestling since I was 12. It's one thing to be a closet fan, but you openly admit to it?
So what you're the ripe old age of 14 now? Ask the 70-thousand who will watch today's show live and the millions around the world who will watch. I would rather watch wrestling than figure skating, tennis and womens golf. I'll leave that to you Anon.
Take Keibler. At least she is still out in the public eye. I don't think she has ever slept with Enrique Iglesias either.
Wrestling is pure entertainment and I love it. I took the day off work to watch WM tonight. It is one of the best days of the year. The beer is cold, the barby will be on and here's to Bret Hart kicking the crap out of Vinnie Mac.
I can't believe the amount of hate Jones has created within Canada over this week. Just like Canada isn't guaranteed to win every hockey championship it plays in, the same goes for curling. Jennifer and her rink have been great ambassadors for the game. She is also still just as hot if not hotter than some of the others there.
From one wrestling fan to another, here's some good news. Bret Hart was on the FAN 960 here in Calgary the other day, and said that there will be a DVD of the Hart family, with plenty of Stampede Wrestling matches and clips chosen by the Hart family themselves. He said to expect it late in the summer.
I LOVE WRESTLING! I would rather watch it than Greys or the Bachelor or a lot of other crap that comes on the tube. I'd even rather watch it than the NHL on some nights--although I'm a Leafs fan so you can't blame me.
Kournikova vs Keibler----tough call! I'd have to go with Stacy but I am a leg guy and she has the best legs going.
Pat Burns does look as if he is near death. I pray that he goes out pain-free and that he can be as happy as possible in his remaining days. The Leafs should find a way to honor him before this season is over because he may not be around for the start of next.
You can love Eve's voice, I'll just love all of her! The Swedish skip, the girls on the Danish team, Eve and JJ made for some eye-pleasing curling this week.
The Undertaker's streak ends today. Long live Shawn Michaels!
What happened to Saskatchewan's sexiest blogger? Did he take his blog down?
Speaking of Sask's Sexiest blogger, has he set up his work as an invite-only blog now? I'm not close to either of you, but enjoy reading his ramblings. Check into this for me!!
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