The weekly collection of thoughts going through my muddled brain. In no particular order, here we go.
--The Vancouver Canucks are out of the playoffs, the Montreal Canadiens are out of the playoffs and the Toronto Maple Leafs are one win away from being out. All is good! In fact, its great that the mighty Canucks had as many playoff wins as the Oilers this year.
--A friend asked me the other day if I hated the Flames, Canucks or Leafs more. That was a great question. This Oilers fan should really hate the Flames and I do, but I think when it comes right down to it, its the Canucks cuz they think they're something special and they are not. The Kevin Bieksa claims that team embellish hits against them and flop just made me laugh. Holy kettle calling the pot black. I just needed Alex Burrows to come out and say San Jose was playing dirty to make it complete.
--A lot is being made of the penalty that put San Jose on the powerplay that eventually gave them a series win. Yes, it wasn't a penalty, but as TSN's Mike Peca said, "What wasn't a penalty 10 years ago and maybe 5 is today because of the way they are trying to protect the player." Tommy Wingels went unprotected into the boards after being hit by one of the Sedins. In today's game that sadly was a penalty.
--If Bieksa didn't make the dumbest comment of the first round of the playoffs, then Habs defenceman PK Subban surely did when he said the Senators might be up 3-1 in the series, but the Canadiens are the better team. BA HA HA HA HA!! Subban needs to take a lesson or two in humility over the off-season. I still think the guy is over-rated.
--So if April Reimer and Elisha Cuthbert were giving each other funny looks over a statement that was made by a fan sitting by them, what was said and whose husband got trashed? What a great shot by CBC! I still think there were some hostilities there. For what its worth, Reimer has to make that save.
--Speaking of Ms. Cuthbert, this can't be true can it? Could Jack be back?
--With Ottawa being the only team left in the playoffs, will CBC cameras find an Ottawa gathering place and put a camera there like they did with the Leafs outside ACC. I'm sorry, but that is just another reason why I can't stand the Leafs. ITS THE FIRST ROUND!!! When Winnipeg gets in the playoffs will CBC show what is happening outside because you know Jets fans will find some place to congregate. Will CBC show Calgary and Edmonton fans outside when and if the Oilers and Flames ever get back in the playoffs. I think we all know the answer. I truly, truly shudder for what will happen in this country if the Leafs ever win the Stanley Cup.
--Regina's Tyler Bozak is an unrestricted free agent. What type of money will be command on the open market? Is he one of those grit guys that the Oilers could use? How about Nathan Horton? Perhaps Horton would be a better fit because he has playoff experience under his belt.
--The story out of Cleveland this week with the three women escaping from a decade of captivity is just mind-boggling. It reminds me of a soap opera story where the character comes back from the dead. I can't see anyone that knew these women still thinking they were alive and now there they are.
--Good on Regina mayor Michael Fougere to come out and say one of the city's bylaws was outdated when it comes to rooming houses. What I want to know is what low-life phoned the city on this guy? You just know its one of those neighbours who have nothing better in their meagre little lives than try and make life difficult for someone. Does this person monitor PGA golf and phone the clubhouse to report a rules violation?
--So those forecasts on spring run-off were effective weren't they!
--I hate the fact that Jays games and Stanley Cup playoff games are coming on at 5. I miss most of it while wrapping up the day at work and driving home. Put them back on at 6 or at least 7. Speaking of which, I realize they are doing it because of the Eastern audience, but I don't like the Memorial Cup games in Saskatoon starting at 6. 7 o'clock is a much better start time. I could even go with 630, but not 6. With the lineup going into events at Credit Union Centre, people may have to leave their job at 330 just to get there by faceoff.
--Baseball umpire Angel Hernandez showed why he is one of the worst again on Wednesday night by botching a home run call even after seeing it on replay. The ball was clearly out, yet he ruled it a double. He then tried to claim he didn't have the same replays that you and I would get from TV. WRONG!!! Baseball can't reverse the decision because that opens up a whole new keg of worms, but baseball can give and should give Hernandez a couple of weeks off without pay.
--With Russell Westbrook out of the equation, could the Golden State Warriors win the NBA West?
--A person that wields a lot of power told me this week they like my Twitter comments, but my hashtags can be a little too big. What's the matter with big hashtags? I told him I would try to shorten them up.
--Some rain to wash away the dirt and grime would be nice. Not a lot of it, but just enough to green things up and clean things up.
--When I asked Phil Andrews about Pat Conacher's role at the WHL bantam draft and he said he wasn't there, it got my radar up but I didn't think Pat would resign with one year left on his contract. There is a lot of speculation out there as to why he is walking away with one year left on his contract and I will leave it that. As I voiced on the Sportscage Wednesday, I was surprised to see the team just hand the job to Malcolm Cameron without a proper search, but perhaps an interview was had seeing Conacher actually resigned at the end of April. I think Malcolm can be a great coach and he deserves the opportunity, but I thought the team would have spoken to some others. The other thing is it seemed as if the news was met with little or no reaction by the community----the community that needs to support this team. This team's profile is at an all-time low and its not getting any better with the news of Wednesday afternoon. The only thing that will change it is wins and a solid playoff run.
--Congrats to CTV Regina's Julie Stewart-Binks. She is leaving the big lights of #YQR to join the Fox Sports One network. Yes, that is the same network that has taken Jay Onrait and Dan O'Toole from us. This makes me think Fox Sports One will give Americans all the hockey and curling news they crave! Julie, can you get Charissa Thompson to autograph something and send it to me?
--Riders coach Corey Chamblin was at the Legislature with some of his assistants on Wednesday. He was introduced to the chamber by Gene Makowsky and was then welcomed by both Premier Brad Wall and the NDP's Trent Wotherspoon. Trent referred to Chamblin as "Chamberlain" twice though. That isn't the first time I've heard Chamblin referred to as "Chamberlain". I don't know, I don't think its that tough but I guess it is. I don't think Corey is too bothered by it though. He must be chomping at the bit to get this month over and get next month started so that he can start doing his day-to-day thing again. If we can't wait for it, how can he possibly not be excited over not getting started again.
--BHP Billiton Stadium. Just remember where you heard that.
--That's all I got. Have a great weekend and remember dead owls don't give a hoot!
Uhhh.... Your sadly mistaken there scruffy, BHP Stadium will be in Saskatoon.
We want a CFL franchise where success Is guaranteed to surely follow.
That low life that called in on rooming houses i guess works for the city of regina. Thats what I heard. Well i guess that employee should get suspended or get fired for making a comment or forcing the issue. Its none of her business of how people use their homes. Maybe this person should wake up and look at the current housing crisis in this city. Its tough to find decent rental properties.
I am completely with you on the 5 o'clock starts. Hate it!
Good for Julie on getting the big assignment. Her draft documentary on Ryan Murray was great. She can forget about the little ol Riders and Pats now!
Guess we will get a retractable dome.
Saskatoon!!!!!!! Give it up!!!!!! you guys won't even have a sniff at hte Memorial cup either with Portland there.
I don't live in those neighbourhoods with rooming houses, but heard from people living on those streets that the parking on the street is now limited and their garbage containers are getting stuffed with other peoples garbage, because there is not enough room is their own garbage containers for 10 people, so garbage is overfilling.
Bieksa and Subban can talk about it on the golf course. Phaneuf will soon join them. What a trio of over-rated blueliners they make!
If the SC final games can start at 6, why can't first, second and third round games. Dumb!
Couple comments for Mitchell: 1) you complain about the start times of the Hockey/Baseball games at this time of the Year. - perhaps we would be better off lobbying the Provincial Government to implement DST... then we wouldn't have that problem. 2) you are wondering about the lack of interviews/prospects for the Pat's HC position... consider that maybe there was no one else who wanted the job????
Let's not forget that the guy that phoned the Masters actually saved Tiger from being disqualified.
As for the city bylaw issue, I'd have no issue with having neighbours with people staying with them BUT be respectful on parking because that is definitely something that can blow up and result in phone calls from spiteful neighbours.
Subban is a joke. He is one of the worst defencemen out there. How the guy got nominated for a Norris surprises me because he is a joke behind his own blueline.
Good for Julie! She comes in and shows all you boys where the talent is and then leaves.
Great blog Scruffy. And I like the BHP Stadium name for new Riders Stadium.
Conacher learned what many other good coaches before him learned. As long as the Parker's own this team and Brent Parker is in the building, things will end badly. It doesn't matter to him that huge money is usually paid out for guys no longer here. Lang said there are still some contractual issues??? BP controls every aspect of this team and interferes regularly. Sadly it would appear that Lang is merely a symbolic figure head. For all intents and purposes this resignation proves that with clarity. The growth and advancement of this franchise has regressed and been stunted under the Parker ownership. The black cloud that everyone talks about will pass only after the Parkers sell this team to new ownership. End of story!
With the SGI tower in Regina a potential BHP Saskatchewan head office, BHP Stadium is possibe. Mosaic has been a fantastic corporate partner in southern sask, they will be a player in the naming rights
CFLeague granting the city of Saskatoon a football franchise would be great for all Involved, a win win situation. Enough fans to go around with a natural fierce rivalry giving the league major long term viability. Just a matter of time, just of matter of time, soon !
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