What has been years in the making becomes reality tonight. The world's eyes will be on Vancouver for the next two weeks as the 2010 Winter Olympics begin. Canada has had the "own for podium" program going and if all goes well, many of our athletes will have medals hanging around their neck during this competition. Hopefully many of those medals will be gold. As you know, Canada has never won gold in an Olympics on our soil having been blanked in Montreal and Calgary. That won't happen this year. One has to think Canadian athletes or teams should win at least 10 gold. Of course for many, the only gold that matters will come on the hockey rink where its win or who cares for the mens hockey team.
I'm looking forward to seeing the opening ceremonies tonight. I can't see them being as lavish as they were in Beijing, but they will be something that Canadians hopefully won't forget for a long. long time. There is still a buzz as to who will light the cauldron to signify the opening. I still say it will be the mother of Terry Fox--Betty Fox. I think Rick Hansen will hand the torch to Betty.
It looks like Jamie Barresi and Kavis Reed are ready to join Paul LaPolice in Winnipeg. Talk about a raid boys and girls. At this point, the Labor Day Classic and Banjo Bowls won't be a rivalry game, but a reunion one. Is Gainer getting ready to be traded for Buzz? Is a Stegall for Dominguez trade in the works. Is Doug Berry going to be the Rider offensive co-ordinator? If he is, I will have to remind him of a story when I was doing the sports show on CJME. In Berry's first year, we asked to have him on and we set it up through the Bombers media guy. I sent our producer in Saskatoon an e-mail saying Berry would be calling on the private line. We are just about ready to go when my operator lets me know that Saskatoon had called to say a Doug Berry had called but she didn't know anything about it thus he was gone. What I didn't know was that the producer we normally have had taken the day off. In a frantic moment, I leave the studio to get the Bombers PR guys number telling him what has happened and to please get Coach Berry to phone back. It happened, but you could tell Doug was big time po'ed over what happened. Lets just say it was a bad interview. When I introduced myself a couple of days later and apologized for what had happened in person, he still wasn't a happy camper. I guess I really can't blame him.
Fast forward to Grey Cup and I wasn't sure how hospitable he would be when I wanted to interview him. I asked Bombers legendary play-by-play guy Bob Irving what he was like and relayed the story. Bob laughed and said Doug would be fine. He was and all was good.
I was in the Southland Mall on Thursday. A mall that no longer has a Wal-Mart. It was like being in a ghost town. There was hardly anyone in there and it was just before noon. A lot of traffic has obviously left seeing Wal-Mart has moved into Harbour Landing, but methinks the mall management had better get another major tenant in the vacated building. I have heard of Canadian Tire moving from their current South Albert location and I have also heard of London Drugs building a second Regina outlet with a medical clinic and some kind of other store going in. Whatever ends up in there, it had better hurry. It took years for the Golden Mile to recover after Zellers left and some say it still hasn't. The Victoria Square isn't a busy mall these days either. Are the days of the mall coming to an end? Some say they are and I don't blame them because I can see where they are coming from.
United Airlines is going to fly Regina to Chicago direct. This is outstanding news when I finally decide to take a trip to the Windy City to visit the mecca known as Wrigley Field. That trip should have been made already, but it hasn't. I would be like a kid before Christmas going to a game at Wrigley. I would be there hours before the game started just to walk around and soak everything in. What one stadium do you want to go to before your days on this earth are done?
I don't know why, but I see these Canadian athletes hawking MacDonalds and I go ?????. I can't see athletes who are honing their bodies and focussing on nutrition chowing down on a couple of Big Macs!
The other day on this blog someone from the Coors Brewing Factory in Golden, Colorado checked in. Who are you? Send me some product! Coors was my first American brewski. I'm not the biggest beer guy, (I'm more of a rye guy) but its Coors or Kokanee for me. I guess you have to add Rickard's white to that list too lately.
John Mayer says being with Jessica Simpson was like "sexual napalm". I've never heard that description before. John obviously liked his between the sheets time with Jess. Do a google search and you will see what I'm talking about. I wonder if Tony Romo has read what Mayer had to say and what he thinks.
Just in time for Valentine's Day, Billboard has ranked the 50 sexiest songs by popularity. The number one song.....
I might have went with this.
Hair Nation XM41 plays a lot of Lita. I love that station!
As you go into your Friday, remember this...
A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
Keeping it light. I was and still am a huge Burt Reynolds fan. In all his movies he always drank yellow can Coors. Smokey and the Bandit has a plot revolving around picking up yellow can Coors from Texas, and bringing it back to Georgia. I was 8 when I watched that movie, and I've seen it 200 times. The same with Cannon Ball Run etc. So when I finally was able to get American Beer that was the brand I got. Last year I brought home two cases from Minot, and everytime I cracked one I'd say, "ahh mother's milk". Kokanee is good too, and that's what I have when I go to Kelowna. I flirted with Ricard's Red, but abandoned it for Corona. I believe I'll be sticking with the Corona for the forseeable future.
Jessica Simpson is dumber then rocks. There had to be a reason other then her looks to keep her around....I think we just found out why
Little Johnny
I'm thinking Lita Ford would still be "sexual napalm". What a great line!
I don't know if you;ve seen Rod's blog this morning but he makes a statement on Walmart and how they don't support anything in Regina. I think they do support some causes, but it would be nice to see them out there more.
Personally, I think malls are starting to die. Take a visit to anyone of them and you won't see a lot of traffic....at least not in Regina.
If you're a child of the '80's then yes Lita Ford is still right up there. I'm really saddened when I watch Celebrity Rehab. There's all these "Stars" of the '80's but the coke and alcohol just destroy them. Case in point:
Tawney Kitaen and Brigitte Nielson. If someone told you in 1985 you could hook up with them forever you'd jump at the chance. They're terrible now. Even one of those girls from the ZZ Top videos. Keough is her last name, and she's on Real Housewives of Orange County. She's 300 lbs....just terrible.
I am convinced that from the '80's sexual napalm would definitely consist of Heather Thomas. She was so good in the movie Zapped.
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