I am simply addicted to this show and have been ever since the first episode. I was beginning to wonder if perhaps we had seen the last of Jack because the length of time between season 6 and season 7 was far too long but the first few shows of this season has me hooked once again. I'm not crazy about Janeane Garofalo though. If you have never watched this show, go to Blockbuster or Rogers one weekend when you have absolutely nothing to do and rent Season 1 and then keep going.
That is followed by perhaps the best comedy on TV today.

The Big Bang Theory is simply hilarious. Kaley Cuoco (Bridget from John Ritter's show 8 Simple Ways) is a girl who moves in next door to two geeky physicists--Leonard and Sheldon. They have two friends who are just as strange and it makes for some great comedy. The character of Sheldon (played by Jim Parsons) may be one of the best I have ever seen.
It leads to the finale....

I have been a big wrestling fan since I can remember. I loved Stampede Wrestling and back in my high school days I was a fixture at Exhibition Auditorium watching the likes of Bret Hart, Owen Hart, the Dynamite Kid, Davey Boy Smith and of course the legendary Cuban Assassin. I have just kept watching since.
Some Rider news. The football team made Murray McCormick's story in Monday's Leader-Post official as they announced free agent offensive lineman Gene Makowsky is returning to the team. Was there any doubt Makowsky would not be back?? He is this generations Roger Aldag and his spot in the CFL Hall of Fame is a certainty. I don't know what the wait is for both the Hall and the Plaza of Honour once you retire but it won't be long after that happens that he gets both distinctions. The team also announced Nelson Martin (isn't that the bully from the Simpsons?? Oh wait that's Nelson Munce) will be the team's defensive backs coach and Gord Gilroy takes over from the legendary Norm Fong as equipment manager. Gordie is a good guy and I congratulate him on the posting. I wonder if when he leaves he'll have as many stories in his brain as Normie. He really should write a book!!!
Tiger Woods became a dad for the 2nd time Sunday. His wife giving birth Sunday to a baby boy. His name---Charlie Axel Woods. Axel??!! It doesn't matter...this kid already has A)more money than I'll ever have and B)is likely better at golf than me.
Charles Axel Woods aka Tiger Jr will be like the Gretzky kids...won't need to work a day in their life. I'd take it if it was offered to me LOL!
I do not watch wrestling much now, but was a HUGE fan of Stampede. Had to love Honkytonk Wayne and Makhan Singh!!!
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